Chapter Thirteen

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Flash back 3 years ago,

Jungkook's pov,

I was so happy after meeting him. I went to my home . I was thinking about only him.

Next day,

I was going to a company for dealing. I entered the building and then asked receptionist. She told me that the meeting room was on the 3rd floor. She told me to take the elevator and went to 3rd floor and  there would be a man who took me to the meeting room. I was about to go then I saw him. I couldn't explain how much happy I was after seeing him. He was going to the elevator. I followed him. He was alone. I also entered in the elevator. Maybe he didn't notice me. "Hey wifey!!" I called.

He looked at me. "You...Are you following me? He angrily said.

"What if I am??" I smirked

"You don't know me well till now" He smirked back.

"I will soon and btw I like your smirk" I teased, I really liked to tease him.

"Shut up. And what are you doing here?" He asked. "I came here for a meeting" I replied.

"Mr. Jeon??" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"Yess Mrs. Jeon" I said while showing my teeth. "Shut up" He rolled his eyes.

"How can a stupid man like him can be a business man? " I heard him murmured.

"You'll get to know about that also" I teased. We reached at the 3rd floor.

"Give me your number" I asked. "Why should I?" He questioned.

"Because it's a husband duty to look after his wifey" I said while making a naughty face.

"You are so annoying" He stomped his foot and got out from the elevator.

As soon as I got out from the elevator . "Excuse me sir, I am Min-jae, P. A of Mr. Kim. Please come with me" A man said.

"Nice to meet you Min -jae and Thank you" I said politely. Then we left to the meeting room.

After a while a tall man came there with my wifey. I winked at him. He threw angry glare to me.

"Hello I am Kim Namjoon" The tall man introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Kim, I am Jeon... Jeon Jungkook" I said politely extended my hand then we shook our hand.

"Jungkook Or junglebook" I heard my wifey murmured. I internationally extended my hands towards him.

"Nice to meet you too Mr. Umm~" I said.

"Choi..Choi Yeonjun" He said.

"Hmm nice to meet you Mr. Choi"  I said while smiled at him.

Then the meeting started . After my presentation Namjoon looked at me. "I would love to work with you Mr. Jeon. I am impressed by your presentation"

"So the deal is done??" I asked.

"Of course" Mr. Kim said while showing his dimple smile. I winked at Yeonjun.
He cursed me under his breath.

After a while I left from there after teasing my wifey .

I started to go to Kim company often and he was so annoyed by me. I loved to tease him. Slowly slowly I fell deeply in love with him. I didn't know about his feelings about me. I noticed his behaviour changing towards me. Maybe he also liked me.

End of flashback.

Yoongi came to me. "Did you threaten Tae??"I hummed.

"Do what you want boss" He smirked.

Yoongi left.

"You will regret" I said while gritting my teeth.

End of Jungkook's pov.


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