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Time skip after 10 years,

No one's pov,

"Ahhhhh.... Mammmiiii, leave meeee.... Me don wanna eat veggies, veggies ewww" A 5 years old boy was running all over the house.

"Hey gguk don't run you will fall down" A boy was running behind him.

"Gguk if you don't stop right there I will call your dadda" The boy threatened.

"Nuu mammi see ggugiee ish good boy" Gguk said with his baby voice.

"What's going on here?" A man came and sat on the couch.

"Hehe nothing dadda" Gguk said and climbing up into his dadda's lap.

"You brat came here" Gguk's mamma said.

"What did you do now humm?? Why mammi is angry??" The man asked.

"I didn't do anything" Gguk said making innocent face.

"Kook, don't believe in this brat, he made me run all over the house" Gguk's mamma said

"Why?? Why you did that?" Jungkook asked to Gguk.

"Veggies are ewww" Gguk said making weird faces.

"Okay if you eat veggies I will buy you banana milk and mint chocolate" Jungkook said to his son.

"Really?? Nana milk and min choco" Gguk said with sparkling eyes while clapping his hands being all excited.

Kook nooded and peaked gguk's forehead.

"Drama king" Another boy came there and said.

"Diminiieeeee.." Gguk whined.

Jimin walked away with his done face.

"Tae feed him" Kook said.

Then Tae started to feed him.

"Go and freshen up" Tae said to Kook.
Kook went upstairs to his room.

"Taetae" A 9 years old boy come running to Tae. "Ji-huniee" Tae called out excitedly and hugged the boy. Gguk made them separated. "Nu, hug mammi hmph" Gguk said being jealous. "Gguk" As soon as gguk heard a familiar voice he ran there. "Jiniiieeee" Gguk threw himself on Jin. Hearing these noises, Jimin came out from the kitchen. "Hyungie" Jimin called. "Jiminieeee" Ji-hun said and ran to him and threw himself on Jimin. Jin smiled at them. "I miss you hunieee" Jimin asked. "Ay ay, we just went out for 2 days and you guys are so dramatic" Jin said being done with his family.

Tae chuckled. "Hyung go freshen up" He said. Jin nodded and left with Ji- hun.

So Jin and his son went to Jin's father's house for 2 days with Namjoon. But after dropping them Namjoon straight went to office.

After 1 hour, Namjoon came with Yoongi and Hoseok. Jungkook was sitting in the middle of the 2 boys who were glaring at each other. "What happened kids? Why are you throwing death glares?" Yoongi asked. "Because of him Kookie uncle, scold me" Ji-hun said. "No because of you, dadda scold me" Taegguk glared.

"What happened?" Hoseok asked. "I was hugging taetae, and gguk came and separate him from me, then he hugged my Taetae then I also do that, and then Taetae fell down, that's why Kookie uncle scolded us" Ji-hun explained.

"Is Tae okay?" Namjoon asked to Kook. Kook nodded. "He did right. You shouldn't do that" Namjoon said to the two boys. "Ay ay hyung don't scold my babies, they didn't do it intentionally" Tae said entering the living room. The two boys ran to Tae and hugged tightly. "I am sorry Mammi/ Taetae" They said. "It's okay babies" Tae smiled at them.

After 30 minutes, all settled down on the dinning table. With some chit chatting, teasing and the two babies fought over Tae and Jimin, they had their dinner as usual.

They were so happy with each other. They couldn't live without each other. Maybe they were not blood related but they related by the hearts. And the two babies brought more happiness to this house.

So let me tell you guys,

5 years ago, Taekook went to an orphanage to adopt a baby. There was a baby crying his heart out. Tae took him in his arms and swinging him and telling soothing words to that lil baby. The baby calmed down after hearing Tae's voice. Kook went to them and wiped that baby's tears. The baby held kook's finger with his tiny hands, and that's it. They adopted that baby, and took him to their home. They named him Taegguk... Jeon Taegguk.

Namjin also adopted a boy, they named him Ji-hun who is 9 years old now.

And Yoonmin got married 6 years ago. And Hoseok was dating a girl.

They lived together. They all were so happy. Yoongi and Hoseok started a new business. And Namjoon was still handling Kim Enterprise. Jin was still running his cafe. Jimin became a dance teacher. And Jungkook became CEO of Jeon's.

And About Tae....

He left his mafia position after that incident that's what everyone thought, he became the most handsome model in Korea. But sometimes he went somewhere, no one knows about this except his hyungs and husband.






So finally This book is complete.

I know this is not the one what I actually wanted to write, I didn't have the idea how to write those plots in proper way so I used screenshots. I won't do that in any of my books in future. So please consider this time.

Btw Thank you guys for loving and supporting my book.

You are means a lot to me .

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