Chapter Twenty Four

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Still in Flashback,
3 years ago ,

"I wanna tell you very important thing" Tae said.

"Yess bub tell me" Jungkook said.

"But promise me you won't leave me after knowing that" Tae said hesitatedly.

"Why should I leave you? I love you Tae" Jungkook assured.

"I love you too" Tae replied.

"Now tell me" Jungkook said pulling tae towards his chest.

"I am a mafia" Tae hesitatedly said.

Kook laughed "Don't joke around"

Tae broke the hug. "I am serious"

"How a cute baby bear can be a mafia??" Kook teased.

"Kook" Tae glared.

"Okay my mafia tell me what you want to say" Kook said.

"I was 15 years old  when my dad cheated on my mother with another lady and leave us alone. My mother was well educated so she started her own small business. After 1 year we got so much profit so the business was slowly slowly getting bigger. So one day my mom was coming from her office and she saw someone killing a boy, so she recorded everything and quickly went to police station to complain but when she went back there with police , there was no one. Next day they killed my mom. My mom got some avidence against that killer but they destroyed the evidence and police was with that killer so my mom didn't get justice" Tae said and broke into tears.

Kook hugged him.

Tae continued "I was alone, there was no one. They took me to a orphanage, but i ran away from there. And started to live on street and tried to find that killer, one day I came in front of Jin hyung's car, he took me to the hospital I was not injured that much but still he took me, there I told him everything, he took me with him in his house, there I met with another hyungs. They helped me to became an Mafia, but people don't know about me. I want to build my own world Kook. Will you help me to find that man?? To take my revenge ??" Tae asked not sure about his husband's answer.

"Yess I will. You hide that much pain?? I didn't know that Bub" he hugged Tae.

They were hurt one was for his mother and one was for his husband.

After sometimes they drafted into sleep in each other's arms. After a long time, they slept peacefully.

Days passed like that Tae made his own world with the help of his hyungs and his husband. Taekook was so blessed to get each other. They got to know about Minhyung and rest of the things you guys know right?

And you must be curious why was he named himself as THE JEON.
So let me tell you, after his father ditched his mother and him, he didn't use his father's surname anymore . And after getting married to Jungkook he took his husband's surname. So That's it.

End of flashback.

Author's pov,

Jimin was Tae's best friend from his childhood days, Jimin supported Tae a lot. Jimin went to abroad for study purpose and that's when Tae's mother was killed. When Jin found out Tae, the first thing Tae did was calling his best friend, after knowing everything he came back quickly. And when Jimin came at Tae's house, he met Yoongi there. They fell for each other but never confessed, but after 5 years, when they started their plan to trap Minhyung that's when Yoongi confessed his feelings and you know the rest..

End of author's pov.


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