Part 1

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"Are you sure about this Lisa?"

Lisa stood facing the windows overlooking the Han river. The view is breathtaking, she watched a few couples and families walked along the river smiling happily. Which is a complete opposite of the somber mood in the room. Lisa just nodded her head.

It's just the three of them in the room. Mr. Yang, Teddy oppa and herself. Since it was a serious matter, she personally requested for the meeting to be private without her other members.

"This is not something that my shareholders will be happy with. Once you sign this, you can't turn back and change your mind". Mr Yang reminded her again.

"I know sir. I'm sure. I don't think this is the right path for me. Plus, it'll be safer for them."

"Lisa I know you and the girls have been busy with schedules these past few years but we are going to give you a time off soon. You just need to wait a little bit." The CEO further added.

This time Lisa shook her head. "It's not that sir, I just think maybe this isn't for me. I missed my family but I want my members to be safe too."

Mr Yang just looked at the girl sitting in front of him. There was not a hint of playfulness on her face. She's the first foreigner that he took under his company and she exceeded everyone's expectations. He took the risks and she didn't disappoint. He knows he's not actively involved in the girls activities as he trusted his production and marketing team to handle it. 

But now sitting in the meeting room facing this surprising situation, he thought maybe he should have been more involved. He didn't even expect Lisa to be the first one that asked for this.

"Have you talked to the other girls?" Teddy suddenly asked.

Lisa shook her head again. "Only my parents know about our meeting today. I'll tell them after."

Teddy let out a long sigh. " have been with them for nearly 7 years already. I would have thought they would be the first one that you go to."

"Yes, I did oppa. But not about this. Don't worry oppa. They'll be okay. We're back to hiatus now so that's why I think this is the best time for this."

"I tell you what. I'm still skeptical about this. Especially your reasons. We shouldn't rush into this. Instead, I'll give you 3 months off. We expect that the next activities will only start in April next year. So if you still decide to continue with your decision after that then I will graciously accept your decision. Do we have a deal?" Mr Yang offered his hand.

"Sir..I already decided..." But before she could finish her sentence, Teddy interrupted her.

"Just take the offer, Lisa. It's the least you can do. If you are still firm with your decision after that, we will meet again in 3 months."

Lisa sighed resignedly. She shook Mr Yang's hand.

"When are you leaving?"

"Tonight, sir. I took the late flight so I can avoid the crowd."

"Alright, I hope you have a safe flight Lalisa. And I hope you'll change your mind when we see each other again."

"I...I can't promise that sir."

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