Part 2

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Few hours later, she walked back into the empty dorm. The silence greeted her as usual. It's not always like this when they were trainees. But it soon changed when they made their debut. If she's being honest to herself, she misses their old days. Where the other members always were right there in the dorm just within reach. 

But she knows being busy means they made it. That they have finally reached their dream. It's really a good exposure for them and she should feel grateful instead of whatever sad feelings she has now.

Jisoo unnie got lots of offers for advertisement and small acting jobs, Jennie unnie travelled a lot for being global ambassador for Chanel and her solo album activities while Rose was busy attending singing variety shows. She herself had her assigned job too but when they had free time, she was the only one back in their dorm.

Previously, she had Rose to accompany her whenever the others were busy with their schedule but since Rose's family moved back to Korea, she hardly sees her best friend at their dorm anymore. She can't blame her cause she knows she'll do the same if her parents were here. 

The Australian girl either stayed with her parents or she's too busy hanging out with Hyeri unnie. Of course Jisoo unnie and Chaeyoung did invite her to their home but she felt she didn't want to interrupt their family time anymore. She already imposed on them enough when she was a trainee.

Jennie unnie though....well that's another story. She felt them getting more distance and further apart each day. At first she thought maybe because Jennie's had busy schedules and not in the mood to socialise with the members but she realised it's just towards her specifically. It seems that whatever she did will just annoy the older girl.

That same morning she even heard Jennie's conversation with Jisoo unnie though they tried to be discreet about it.

"She should just stop acting like a child. It's annoying. She's 21 years old for god sake! She's jeopardizing our reputation if she continues with this antics."

"She's just being playful, Jenduke. That's Lisa for you."

"I just wished that she would just grow up and act like an adult!"

They stopped talking as soon as they saw her walk into the kitchen but she already heard enough. Jisoo looked at her apologetically while Jennie just walked past her towards her bedroom.

"I guess she's still angry, huh?" Lisa started.

Jisoo just shrugged her shoulders and smiled at the younger girl. "She just hasn't been sleeping and resting. Just go see her later and apologise again. Do you have any plans today?"

Lisa avoided Jisoo's eyes as she answered. "I'm going to YG's office later then I'll be back here."

"Okay. You need to start packing or you'll never get ready for your flight tomorrow. Urghh...I need to go and get ready too. I'm already late for my meeting. I'll see you later..yeah? "Jisoo patted her shoulder.

The members know she's going back to Thailand to visit her parents. They just didn't know that she changed her flight time and her visit to Thailand will be a one way ticket. No return flight. She was planning to tell them this morning, but after what happened earlier things suddenly got out of hand. To be honest, she's just scared about their reactions. So she's just chickened out.

Going back to what happened earlier in the morning, well... she was in the kitchen cooking ramen for breakfast. She knows ramen it's not breakfast food but hey that's the only thing she knows how to cook. Jisoo unnie said she'll drop by and bring food after her shooting is finished. Rose also said she'll bring something from her parent's house. But she woke up really hungry and she didn't think she could wait any longer. Not with the way her stomach keeps grumbling.

Since she didn't know that anyone else was in the dorm with her, she turned up the tv volume so she could tune out the silence. But just ten minutes later, Jennie's door bang opened loudly as she stormed out towards the living room.

"What the hell is that racket!!" she shouted.

Lisa jumped and accidently hit the hot pot full towards the kitchen floor.

"Ouch!" She exclaimed loudly as the hot soup splashed onto her hands.

She quickly ran to the sink and put her hands under running water to stop her skin from burning. Then few seconds later, she heard the tv switched off and a pair of feet shuffled towards the kitchen.

"Hey..good morning." Lisa greeted the older girl.

"What the hell, Lisa! Can't you be quiet for once! I need my sleep and you're ruining it!" Jennie shouted back. Before Lisa could say anything, she continued her ranting.

"And now you're making a mess in the kitchen! Why are you eating ramen in the morning? Clean that shit up!" She instructed loudly before she went back to her room and slammed the door.

So basically that's how they interact nowadays and Lisa already accepted it. She has an inkling why their interactions turned sour like this but they never sat down and properly talked about it.

Since their debut, she always got scolded by Jennie for being too playful in front of the camera. She can't help herself sometimes. She doesn't like to be in serious mode all the time because it makes her restless. She knows about the hate comments she received but she didn't mind them as long as she had her members. That's it. That's the bottom line.

She felt like she was losing her members right now though. 

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