Part 17 - Stupid yellow hoodie

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Few months passed and after a few more persuasions on her part, Jennie finally let her go back to her old schedule. She no longer needed to accompany her members as long as she promised to follow the rules imposed by her members:

1- To keep at least 2 of her guards with her all the time during her schedules. She didn't mind them as much as they knew how to keep their distance when they needed to.

2- She needs to report her whereabouts in their group chat or any of the members whenever asked without exceptions. If she doesn't reply to their questions in time, all her privileges will be revoked.

3- All unplanned schedules must be informed and agreed by Jennie upfront. No exceptions.

Also the biggest difference she noted was how clingy Jennie was with her lately. She'll join Lisa on her bed all the time now. Yeah, but just for sleeping and cuddling of course and nothing else. It's like she is making Lisa's room as her own now too.

Even her clothes. Jennie will just wear her clothes and make it as her own. Lisa doesn't mind it. It's just that she was surprised that Jennie even considered wearing hers since her clothes were all bought from second hand shops. It's not from Channel or Gucci.

Most people may not know this since YG is usually able to hide their background but Jennie comes from a very wealthy family. She remembered that Jisooni mentioned that Jennie may be part of the Chaebol family. Hence the reason why the media hardly knows about her dad's background. While her mom is a well-known major shareholder in the entertainment industry.

So that's why it was weird for her to see Jennie trying on her second hand clothes when she thought the older girl prefers branded items instead. When she asked Jennie about it, she just said that it was comfortable for her. It's really weird but who can refuse when Jennie puts on her pleading cat eyes? Currently Jennie was rummaging through her wardrobe looking for Lisa's favourite hoodie.

"Lisa, do you know where it is?" Jennie asked for the umpteen times.

Lisa scratched the back of her head. She really has no idea. Last she saw it was before she left Thailand. She hardly remembered seeing it for quite some time now. She didn't know why Jennie was too attached to that yellow hoodie.

"I'm not really sure where it was. Maybe Chaeng borrowed it?"

Jennie shook her head. "I already asked. She said she didn't. Plus, why would she borrow it?"

That was the same question running through her mind too. Why would Jennie want to borrow it?

"Well, you have your own hoodies right? I remembered you said you love your MJ's hoodie. You wore it all the time when we were trainees. Maybe you can wear that instead?"

"I can't! I need that for my session!" Jennie suddenly exclaimed loudly as she was now throwing Lisa's clothes out from the laundry basket.

She was totally taken aback by Jennie's reply. Huh?

"Erm...unnie..why would you need that? I'm sure Dr Kang will not mind whatever you are wearing." Lisa tried to pacify the older girl.

"You don't understand!" Jennie now opens and closes Lisa's drawer searching for the elusive hoodie.

Jisoo and Rose, hearing the commotion came over to Lisa's bedroom door looking around the messy room with wide eyes.

"Woahh....what happened here?" Rosie asked.

"Asked her! She's the stupid one for losing my hoodie!" Jennie pointed her finger at Lisa accusingly.

"What did you do?" Jisoo then asked Lisa curiously.

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