Part 16

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Note: Just a short one this time. I will no longer be able to update regularly since Jan-May will be quite hectic months for me. So I want to apologise in advance.

"This is torture!" Lisa shouted into her pillows as she lay spread-eagle on her bed.

After Jennie was aware how she abandoned her bodyguards a few weeks ago, she was under strict instructions not to be left alone or go anywhere without her members. She had already gotten an earful from Jennie and Teddy oppa so she didn't think she had any much choice now in this matter.

That means that whenever she was free from her job assignment, she'll be there accompanying her members in their own job assignment instead. Either just to bring them a blanket, coffee or remind them of their schedule, she needs to do all the roles of assistant manager for each of her members. This is her punishment for being so careless previously.

Currently Jisoo unnie is in the shower. They have just finished shooting for the Dior campaign. She used the term 'they' because she was there waking up in the early hours in the morning making sure Jisso unnie had her coffee. She was there fanning the older girl in the shooting site when she complained about the heat. She was also there helping Jisoo's manager search for her phone when she claimed she lost it earlier.'s so tiring. She now understands how hard their manager worked and it made her appreciate them more.

But now, since Jisoo unnie schedule is already finished for the day, she can finally do her own thing. She sat up suddenly when an idea popped up in her head. Hehehe. I'm sure Jisoo unnie will agree to this. She went out of her room and banged on the bathroom's door.

"Unnie! I'm hungry! Do you want me to buy dinner for you?"

She waited for a reply. Sure enough, a few seconds later she heard the response.

"Get me fried chickens, Lisayah!"

Lisa smiled wide and pumped up her fist in joy. "Okay! I'll go get your chicken! See you in a few unnie!"

"What??! Wait...Yah! Lisa! You need to wait for me!"

She heard Jisoo's voice shout from behind the door but she ignored it. Instead she quickly grabbed her phone, wallet, mask and hat. She put on her trainer and was walking towards the lift busy texting her manager, when it suddenly opened. She watched in surprise, as she came face to face with Jennie and Rose's curious face. She saw both of them holding plastic bags bearing Jisoo's favourite restaurant. She smiled, waved her hands and took a step sideways, letting them pass through.

"Hey guys..." She greeted them as she walked into the lift.

She pushed on the close button hard with her fingers wishing desperately for the door to close faster. But before it could fully close, a slim hand suddenly reached out between the doors. She looked up into the owner of the hands and met with glaring cat eyes.

"Where do you think you are going?" Jennie asked at the same time.

"Erm getting dinner. Jisoo unnie is hungry." Lisa just smiled sheepishly at them.

Jennie raised her eyebrows. "You are telling me that Jisooni tells you to buy her dinner? Alone?"

Lisa looked down. She shuffled her foot nervously.

Suddenly their front door opened and there was Jisoo wearing her top pyjamas inside out with her still wet hair.

"Yah, you idiot! Who told you that you can get out by yourself?" The oldest girl shouted.

Jennie sighed loudly and just pointed back to their dorm. "GET IN."

"Urghghhghghg....." Lisa stomped back into the dorm.

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