Part 10 - 2nd throwback

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Jennie opened the door of their shared dorm. She was back from her holiday with her mum, so she decided to stay with her members tonight. As she walked further into the dorm, she noticed it was quiet, not usual for the members. Looking at the clock, she realised it. It's still too early in the morning.

She put her luggage beside the door before she went to knock on Jisoo's door. As she heard the older girl groan in defeat, she rolled her eyes and opened the door. Jisoo was muttering under her breath most probably because she just lost whatever game that she played on her phone.

"Still playing games, Chu?" She started.

"When did I stop? How's Paris?" Jisoo asked without even sparing her a glance. Her eyes still focus on her game.

"Still looks like Paris. Do you have any plans today?"

Jisoo paused her game and tapped her chin.

"I got a photoshoot and English class today, then I'll go see my parents."

"Oh, well.. okay then. Will I see you?"

"I'm back for dinner if that's what you are asking."

"Okay. I'll see you tonight then. I thought we could just hang out."

"Uh huh..If there's chicken involved, I'm in."

"You and your chicken." Jennie smiled before she went back out and walked towards Rosie's room next.

She chuckled when she saw the younger girl dancing around the room while singing. Only Rosie can wake up happily dancing in the morning. She's like a real princess waking up happy to face the day whatever it may be.

"Hey, Rosie."

"Unnie! Hi! Welcome back. How's your trip with your mom?"

Jennie smiled. "Good but tiring. I bought something for you and the girls."

"Really? Are you going to stay tonight?"

Jennie nodded her head.

"It's been a long time since we four got to spend time together. Maybe we can do movie night again like last time?!" Rosie suggested excitedly.

"That's what I told Jisoo unnie too."

"Yeay! I'm sure Lisa would like it too."

"Is she in her room?"

The younger girl just shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not so sure. She came back quite late last night. She went for dance practice and filming for YGX academy, I think. I guess she's still sleeping."

After confirming their plans, Jennie then walked towards Lisa's room last. She knocked and waited. Nothing. She knocked again and still there was no reply.

She opened the door slowly and there was their maknae spread-eagle over the bed snoring. She smiled and shook her head. Lisa didn't seem to even have the energy to change her clothes evident by the shirts, jeans and stockings that she still wore. Lisa loved to sleep in a comfortable attire. To see her still wearing her outer clothes means the younger girl was totally dead tired.

She shook her head as she looked around the room. Of course, they all know Lisa was not the tidiest person but it seemed like the whole room looked like an aftermath of something exploding earlier. Her leather jacket and hoodie were thrown on the floor. There were two piles of clothes at the back wall. Lisa once told them that one was for the clean piles, the other is not so bad if it doesn't smell yet (but for the members, dirty piles). At the moment she can't even identify between her clean and dirty pile.

She has a system, she said. She pulled Lisa's socks to make sure she's more comfortable in her sleep. She then pulled the blanket at the foot of the bed and put it on the sleeping figure. Lisa stirred a bit but didn't wake up. She then pulled the curtains closed so as to avoid the sunlight waking her up. Satisfied that she had done enough to make their maknae have peaceful sleep, she then walked out to her room finally. She'll have a nap then maybe cook them both something for brunch later.

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