Part 20

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Note: This version written in a rush.

They were recording Star Road interviews for the whole day and Lisa could see how it's taken a toll on Jennie. Her girlfriend's anxiety started to crept in as they finished watching their old music videos. She felt Jennie repeatedly bumped her shoulder at the side and she knows her girlfriend needs comfort.

When they stopped for a break, she quickly grabbed Jennie's hand and pulled her out into the hallway. She continued pulling her girlfriend until they reached the small corner of the room and after making sure the place was empty, she pulled Jennie into her arms hugging her tight.

"Hey...Everything's okay. You are safe. I'm here. Jisoo unnie and Chaeng are here. Take a deep breath. Nothing happened." She murmured comfortingly.

She felt Jennie tightened her arms around her as she took a deep breath before letting it out in a long sigh.

"I hate it." Jennie suddenly let out.

"What do you mean?"

"I hate that I can't touch you freely. I hate that I have to control myself when you and Jisoo unnie can get so chummy together.."

Lisa put her fingers under Jennie's chin, pulling her face up to look at her. Her eyes scrunched up in confusion.

"You know you need to explain this to me. I'm a little confused here."

Jennie rolled her eyes. "You get so touchy feely with Jisoonie and totally ignore my presence like I was not even there!"

Lisa's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait...what?"

"Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about, Lisa."

"Jennie..hey...I really don't." Lisa insisted.

"You've been avoiding me..." Jennie whined out.


"Ever since that day, you hardly pay attention to me when we are in public. It's like we are total strangers!" The older girl tried to move away but Lisa held firm.

They need to address this now.

"Hey...I never meant to do it like that. I thought we agreed not to make it obvious that we are a couple? If you felt it that way, I'm sorry. I really don't do it on purpose. I'm just being myself with Jisoonie. But, is that why you seem restless?"

Jennie just looked down and shrugged her shoulders. Lisa knew how stubborn her girlfriend was. But nothing good will happen if you push her further. She just needs to let Jennie tell her at her own pace what's been bothering her.

"Tell you what? Later can sit in the middle between me and Jisoonie. I'm okay sitting at the end." She hugged her girlfriend closer.

"Really?" Jennie's voice got muffled by Lisa's shoulder but she can hear it clearly.

Lisa kissed Jennie on her forehead. "Sure. It's up to you. I'll let you decide."

But before Jennie could reply, their managers called them back. As they walked into the set, she raised her eyebrows when Jennie took the same seat she was sitting earlier. She didn't think much about it until at the end of their first part of the recording, she felt Jennie suddenly put her head onto her shoulder as her arms reached out grasping her hands.

She stiffened at first before her body relaxed altogether when she remembered Jennie did not behave any differently with other members. Though she admitted that she started to notice Jennie getting more clingy with her lately. After that incident. She didn't think much about it but then maybe she should.

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