Part 6

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"It's been nearly a week, Lisa. You need to tell them."

"I will, oppa. But I'm not ready yet. I don't want them to be angry with me."

"What if this happened to any of the other members? Don't you want them to tell you? It's better to tell them now so they have the time to process it before the comeback. I'm trying to be fair to the other girls too, Lisa."

"Sorry, oppa. I..I didn't.."

Teddy sighed out loud.

''When Rosie came over to see Vince earlier, she mentioned that you have not replied to any of their text messages! I want you to tell them today! You owe them that much!" Teddy scolded the younger girl through the phone.

After Teddy oppa ended the call, Lisa just continued staring at the ceilings of her bedroom. She knew Teddy oppa was right. But she hasn't really found the courage to inform her members. They will hate her for these and she needs to be ready to accept the consequences.

Since she was back in Thailand she just spent most of her time with her parents not leaving the house at all. She knows they were sad about her decision to leave the group but most of all she knew they were more worried about her.

They didn't even talk about what happened. They just leave her alone and wait patiently for her to open up. She already told them about Mr Yang's offers and they agree with Teddy oppa. They told her to just spend the time given wisely so that she can decide without feelings of regrets later.

They just want her to be happy and if it was by leaving the group, they will support her decisions.

She soon found herself walking towards the kitchen and stood silently watching her parents busy preparing their dinner. They work seamlessly as a team. Her dad looked over the pot while her mom kept chopping the vegetables to put into the pot.

When her mom walked over to the stove, her dad would step aside slightly giving her space while at the same time putting his hand behind her. They were always close like this. In their family, their love language is physical touch. She missed seeing them like this.

She missed her members. She felt her eyes start to well up with tears.

"Are you going to just stand there staring or are you going to help us?" Her dad's voice suddenly boomed out.

She let out a soft chuckle. Yes, her dad is always aware of her presence. When she was little, she always thought that she had Ninja skills whenever they played hide and seek to elude him but he was always able to find her. Once, she even climbed the side of the house and hid on the rooftop but he found her there lying on the flat surface just 10 minutes later. Of course just soon after they were both scolded by mom for playing such dangerous games. Though Marco was her stepdad, their bond is undeniable. As soon as he married her mom, they were a team.

"Shhh...let her be. Let her rest.." Her mum nudged his shoulder.

Her dad raised his eyebrows. "You just don't want her to spoil our dinner."

Lisa laughter rang out the room as she heard that. They never missed to tease her about her cooking skills. She didn't know why even though she's being raised by two professional chefs, she still didn't know how to cook. She guessed that's the perks of being an only child. Her parents coddled her too much. Though she said it too early.

"Go set the table, young lady. Don't think we will just cater to your hands and feet here." Her mom instructed suddenly.

Nope. She didn't feel the privilege of being an only child. Not at all.

They made small talk over dinner. Ignoring the big elephant in the room.

"Are you going to visit nana?" Her dad asked.

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