Part 12

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Rose heard her phone chimes signalling an incoming text. As soon as she read it she rushed to the front door while shouting.

"They're here!"

She opened the door only to see Lisa walking towards the house from the car while carrying Jennie on her back.

"Hey.. Chae." Lisa greeted the girl.

"Lisa! I miss you!" Rose jumped onto her as soon as the pair reached the door.

Her knees buckled at the additional weight. Now both Rose and Jennie were clinging to her body. One on the front and another on her back. Her arms were straining to hold both the girls now.

"Urgh....guys..erm.... need.. to breathe. Jennie can you please loosen your arms around my neck. Try not to strangle me, please?"

'Yah no way! You'll drop me!" Jennie insisted as she continued holding tight to Lisa's neck.

Rose, still clinging to her front like a koala, also just shook her head refusing to let go.

"Nuh uh.."

Lisa was pondering whether to just drop the two when another body slammed onto her side engulfing them in a group hug.

Lisayah!! You're back!" Jisoo shouted her excitement.

She didn't know how she was able to stand upright with the weight of the members on her.

"Guyss...I'm really sorry. I'm glad that you all are happy to see me. But I can't really hold all of you together. You better stop before I drop Jennie unnie and hurt her feet more." Lisa started to explain.

Jisoo hearing that quickly let go looking down at Jennie's bandage feet. She let go of the younger girl but not before flicking her forehead hard.

"Oww unnie! Why do you do that, for?" She can't really defend herself since she was still holding Jennie and Rosie.

"That's for leaving before talking about it with us." Jisoo replied before grinning wide.

"Chaeng... let her go." She instructed the other girl holding on Lisa's side.

"No." Rose pouted and shook her head stubbornly.

"Lisayah.. you better not dropped me." Jennie warned at the same time.

Lisa looked at Jisoo helplessly. But the older girl just let out a small chuckle. "It's all your doing, kid."

"Urghh...fine." She walked slowly towards the living room being careful not to drop her two members.

She went to the nearest couch and first dropped Jennie from her back gently before flopping down beside her releasing a heavy sigh. Rose took it upon herself moving her whole body slightly to the side while still clinging to Lisa's arm and now sitting halfway on top of Lisa's lap.

" guys are heavy.." Lisa mumbled under her breath.

Jennie heard it loud and clear. She pinched Lisa's as a warning.

"What did you say?"

"Ow ow..I said you're pretty!"

"You sure?"

Lisa turned looking at Rose pleadingly.

"Unnie, don't hurt her..She just said we are heavy." Rosie smirked.

"Chaeng! You're not helping!."

"Ow owie Jennie! No..I don't mean it like that!" She tries to avoid Jennie's pinching fingers but she can't do much with Rose on her lap.

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