Part 18

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Note: Feel free to guess on which episode/clips I took this from.

Scene 1

"Lisa! Go bother your girlfriend! We need to pack our things and make a move soon!" Rosie pushed Lisa out of her room.

Lisa grumbled. She hated packing! So instead of focusing on her own packing she went to Rosie's room to annoy her instead. She doesn't understand what's the big deal about packing.Usually she just threw whatever clothes she felt good enough for her trips into her luggage. And her mom is always the one who packs her things when they go for family trips either way. She just wears whatever she feels comfortable.

As she walked towards Jennie's bedroom she raised her eyebrows when she saw the cameramen already recording. Are they recording my girlfriend's sleeping? Don't they understand the concept of privacy? She walked faster thinking about giving the cameraman a piece of her mind but she calmed down when she saw Jisoo unnie already perched at the edge of the bed trying to wake her stubborn girlfriend.

After giving a small shout of warning, she jumped onto the bed while at the same time being careful not to hurt her small girlfriend in the process. She hugged her girlfriend from behind and snuggled close.

"I'm so sleepy." Jennie mumbled.

"Get up. We need to get ready." Jisoo reminded her.

"Can you just do it for me?" Jennie responded.

Lisa chuckled. "If you don't mind wearing shirts everyday, then yeah I can do it for you."

Jisoo just sighed watching the two. She can't subject herself to these cringey situations anymore.

"Urghh...I need to pack my clothes too." She grumbled out before leaving Jennie's room. Jisoo hates packing too. The cameraman then left following Jisoo.

Sensing they were finally alone, Jennie turned around and wrapped her arms around Lisa cuddling close.

"Are you still sleepy, Nini?" Lisa asked as she rubbed her girlfriend's back.


"I tell you what...We'll cuddle for 10 more minutes then we need to get up and get ready. You and I need to get our packings done. Okay?"

"I want coffee too..." Jennie mumbled onto her chest.

Lisa looked down and smiled widely. Her girlfriend is zoooo cuteeeee. So cute? No no...Zo cute.

"Okay...I'll make one for you..extra sweet just like you.."

Scene 2

They were walking into the fabric flagship store after Jisoo unnie suggested that they buy bed linen for their new bedroom. Everything went well until Lisa started to choose her beddings.

"The rabbit looks a bit gross." Jisoo watched from the staircase as Jennie straight rejected Lisa's choice.

"Why is it gross... I want it." Lisa whined.

Jisoo waited for Jennie to be firm but then she rolled her eyes when Jennie just gave in after Lisa started to pout her lips.

"What's that earlier? That's not even an argument. You gave in so fast. Weak..." Jisoo whispered to Jennie when they were finally left alone at the front counter.

"I hold the black card, Chu. She gets the whole shop if she wants to. You on the other hand, want me to get that rainbows pattern instead?" Jennie threatened back.

Jisoo's face blanched as she remembered the bright colourful sheets she saw earlier. It'll give her a nightmare, for sure. Since Jennie already offered to pay for their expenses, she better keep the girl happy.

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