~🔞Delivery boy🔞~

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Warning ⚠️🔞: 18+ scenes in this episode (SMUT) there will be another warning

Yeonjun frowned  while crying as he looked up at the clock. His brother was supposed to be here by now to comfort him, but he was nowhere to be found and has been ignoring his calls.

The pink haired sighed softly, realizing that his brother was probably found by their mother sneaking out, as he sat down on the couch. Yeonjun's stomach growled, indicating that he was hungry. The male got up reluctantly to grab his phone and called some pizza place.

Once he finished ordering a large pizza and a whole liter of soda, he laid face down on the couch.


About 25 minutes had passed since Yeonjun ordered his pizza and he finally heard the doorbell ring. He wiped his tear stained cheeks and got up, walking over to the door and opening it.

"Hi, are you Choi Yeonjun?" The boy asked politely, giving the boy a bright smile.

Yeonjun stared at him for a bit, noticing that he looked about his age and he was extremely handsome and tall. His face was slightly round and he looked like a bunny. Yeonjun was pulled out of his thoughts when the taller waved in front of him.

"Hello? You alright?" He asked, concerned. Yeonjun blinked before shaking his head and taking the pizza box and soda politely.

"Sorry. I'm just a little shaken up from something that happened earlier. Thank you." He said, giving him his tip.

The delivery boy put it in his pocket before fixing his hat. "Well, if that's all then I'll be going now." He said before he started to turn around.

"Wait!" Yeonjun grabbed his arm quickly, causing him to turn around, confused. Yeonjun realized what he just did and let go, blushing as he scratched the back of his neck. "S-sorry... it's just, um... I'm lonely right now and was wondering if you'd like to come in and have some of this pizza with me..." he said nervously. Curse him for being in his feelings right now. He was starting to regret his choice, even more so when the other boy started laughing softly.

"I'm sorry, that was a weird request. You don't even know me and I just asked you to come in my house... I could be an axe murderer for all you know-" he rambled on.

"It's alright. I was just surprised." He answered softly. Yeonjun looked at him shocked. "Although I don't know you, I don't think you're in the right state of mind to kill me even if you wanted to." He teased before looking at his watch.

"My shift ends in 5 minutes anyways, so I might as well." He said with a hum. "I'm Soobin by the way." He announced to the boy who was stunned by the fact that a total stranger accepted to come into another stranger's house to have a pizza and soda together. I mean, free food, but still.

"Yeonjun?" He asked again.

Yeonjun gasped and nodded his head. "Sorry! Soobin right? That's a nice name...." He mumbled before a silence occurred. Yeonjun sighed before going back inside his apartment and holding the door open for Soobin, who came inside and took his shoes off.

"Would you like some more comfortable clothes to wear? Y'know, without the pizza smell?" Yeonjun asked softly as he set the food on his coffee table.

"Sure" Yeonjun nodded and led him to his bedroom, grabbing a T-shirt and sweatpants and handing them to him. He waited for Soobin at the couch, pouring their drinks into cups and setting down two plates.

Once Soobin came back, they both started eating, enjoying the food and company. It was quiet for a while until Soobin spoke up.

"You have a nice place" he said, admiring the decor and homey vibes. "It's cute, just like you." He said with a wink. Yeonjun blushed madly, hiding his face in his hand.

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