~🔞"Enemies" - 2.1🔞~

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"Ahh~ shit! Keep going Binnie~" Yeonjun groaned out, his head tilted back as his fiancé sucked him off.

"Soobin you're so amazing at this~ such a good boy, always knowing the right spots~" he said, thrusting up into the younger's mouth, who bobbed his head faster, gagging a bit, but that didn't stop him.

The raven bit his lip as he felt his high coming, grabbing the boy's blonde hair and fucking into his mouth really fast and rough, making the boy moan in pleasure while he held onto his thighs for support.

Yeonjun came into his mouth after a few more thrusts, pulling out and pulling Soobin to lay on him, their naked chests pressed together.

"You were so amazing, Baby~ as always you never cease to make me horny~" he said, playing with the boy's hair while he tried to catch his breath.

Soobin giggled softly, nuzzling his fiancé happily. "I know~ and you always make me feel amazing, so I'd say it's a win-win~"

The older smirked and kissed all over his face. "You're so cute!" He said, gently biting his earlobe.

The blonde hummed as he buried his face in the older's neck, softly kissing the hickeys he made. "And you're sexy~" he mumbled, watching Yeonjun grin at him.

"I could stare at you all day, Binnie, you know that? You're so beautiful, my darling~" He said, looking right into his eyes. Soobin blushed a little, smiling softly as he looked back at him.

Yeonjun leaned in to kiss him softly, filling him with love and warmth as Soobin kissed him back just as lovingly. Their kiss was cut short, however, when Yeonjun's phone rang.

Sighing, he pulled away, gently caressing Soobin's cheek for a moment before picking it up off the side table.

Soobin watched as he answered the phone, immediately pulling it away from his ear when he heard his father yelling into the phone.

"What? I don't- huh? Okay okay, I'm coming!" He rolled his eyes as he hung up the phone, stretching and gently rubbing his own ears.

"Who was it, Junnie?" Soobin held onto his lover's arm, leaning his head on the male's shoulder.

Yeonjun kissed him softly on the lips before looking down at him. "It was dad. He's mad at me for something, but didn't say what. He wants me to go to the office."

"Oh. Well, I'd better not keep you here while your father's angry." He said, letting Yeonjun get up, watching him clean up their mess and get dressed. He helped Soobin get dressed as well before they both went downstairs to the front door.

Soobin fixed his tie for him and smiled at him when he was done. "Try not to miss me too much, Junnie~"

The raven chuckled and kissed his lover chastely on the lips. "I can't promise, but I'll try. I'll be back soon, my love~" he said, gently caressing Soobin's cheek with a bright smile before leaving out the door.

Soobin sighed softly. He was hoping to spend a little more time with Yeonjun before their wedding in a couple days, but alas, he knows he can't help it if they get busy, especially when they are both sons of the most powerful mafia leaders in Korea.

The blonde shook his head and moved on when his stomach growled. Yes, he was just filled up by Yeonjun, but he was hungry for some real food as well.

He walked over to the kitchen, humming as he did so. He was so busy in his own world while making a bowl of cereal for himself, he was startled when he heard a familiar voice behind him, making him gasp as he looked at the now spilled Trixx (Iykyk 👀) before looking at the older man. (W cereal collab. I got Reese's puffs and lucky charms box 👑)

"I have a feeling you two met way before our meeting the other day."

"F-father, when did you get here?" Soobin stuttered out, quickly cleaning up the mess he made as his father watched him from behind.

"You'd think, as the son of a Mafia boss, you'd notice when someone enters your house. I've been here for about 10 minutes now and I've had the displeasure of hearing you two's unpleasant noises." He said, grabbing an apple from the little basket on the counter. "Now tell me. How long have you two been seeing each other? I want to hear the truth, nothing else."

Soobin gulped, wondering what his reaction would be to know his son was fucking around with his enemy for a long time under his nose.


"Spit it out"

Soobin sighed softly, looking away from his father. "We've been dating for a year and a half. We met on a scouting mission and were just having sex at first, but we really fell in love, dad." He said, looking up at him. "I really do love him, dad, and I know he loves me, too. At least enough that he proposed to me and he persuaded you to let us get married. Please don't separate us, I really want him in my life. Please." He said, tears threatening to fall at the thought of having to be away from Yeonjun.

Soobin's father stared at the boy, looking him up and down before his eyes settled on the boy's pleading, tear stained face.

"Aish. Come here son," he said, pulling him into a hug, which the younger immediately reciprocated. "You know, your mother and I were the same way. She was a mafia's daughter and I was a poor boy from another city. You're just like her, you know?" He said, smiling at his son.

Soobin smiled back, nodding, so glad his father was so understanding of his feelings, and not a rude asshole that doesn't care about his kid's feelings.

"If you really love this Yeonjun boy, then I will let you marry him. It's not like that changes anything in our deal with the other Choi's anyways. I want you to be happy, my boy. And if this is what you want, then fine by me." He said, pulling away from the boy.

Soobin smiled, nodding. He was so relieved by his father's decision.

"Thank you, dad. I won't forget this, and I'll make sure you never regret this ever!" He said, kissing his dad on the cheek before running off happily to his bedroom.

Mr. Choi shook his head before smiling softly. "Aish, that boy really knows how I have a soft spot for him." He said before leaving the house, letting him have his privacy.


Part 2 will be out as soon as I finish writing it! Idk when that will be but hopefully by the end of next week!! Sorry I've been inactive. I've just been focused on other things and getting distracted from what I need to finish up. It's been difficult trying to figure out what I want to write down, even if I know what I want to happen, if that makes sense. I'm gonna try to get better like before, but I can't promise I will be posting as much as when I was still in school. (Bro I swear I was working a publishing house during lunch time last year 🤧🤧🤧 my ideas were chugging along so fast, I can't keep up now)

Anyways, thank you for those of you who support me even though I slowed down majorly on updates. Love you all, bye!!! <3

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