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Choi Soobin.

His best friend was the only thing on the blonde's mind as he stared at him intently, dazed by his beauty.

The boy was wearing a cute little crop top with a matching skirt and a little jacket with a few accessories to add to the look. His socks went up only to mid-shin and he had 1 inch platform tennis shoes on. His brown hair was styled in a cute way that framed his face oh so perfectly.

To say the boy was beautiful was a severe understatement, because he was ethereal~

The blonde was snapped out of his thoughts when the boy tapped him on the shoulder.

Looking up at his best friend, the blonde noticed he was pouting, arms crossed.

"Junnie Hyung! Were you even listening?!" He huffed, and the blonde cooed at his cuteness before replying with a hum.

"Sorry, Binnie, I was lost in deep thought for a second. What is it?" He said, holding his hands with an endearing smile as he looked at the boy in front of him.

Soobin smiled shyly at the action before pulling away to do a little 360. "How do you like my outfit? I'm wearing it out to my date with Jihoonie~" he said, looking at his best friend with expectant eyes, hoping he approved.

Ah yes. A date. With his new boyfriend of 2 weeks. Yeonjun always hated how Soobin would always be going on dates to find the 'perfect person'. Call him jealous because he knows it will never be him that he takes out. They had been best friends since forever, and he didn't want to ruin what they had, just because he had caught feelings for him. He felt like he'd be losing a part of himself if he lost Soobin.

After a moment of resenting the fact that it wasn't a date with him, he shook his head and hummed once more.

"It's perfect. You're perfect. You look beautiful, Binnie." He said, earning a happy smile from the younger, who giggled and hugged him happily before pulling away when the door bell rang.

"Oh! That must be him! I'll see you later, Junnie hyung!" He said, waving as he ran out of their shared apartment.

Yeonjun watched the boy go before frowning as he sat back in the couch. He had nothing to do, since he usually spent his time with Soobin. He remembered his friends were off doing something for work, and his brother Beomgyu was hanging out with his boyfriend, Kai, so he didn't want to disturb them.

Sighing, he just turned on the TV and opened Netflix. Might as well binge the new 'My Demon' episodes while he's got free time.
(I have to wait a few more days for the 2nd to last episode to come out 🤧 I love Song Kang sm T~T)


It had been about 2 hours since Soobin had left when he heard the door open. He was about to get up and ask how it went, but his smile fell when he noticed the younger boy was sobbing.

"Oh my god, Binnie, what happened?!" He asked, walking over to him and gently caressing his cheeks, a worried expression planted on his face as he saw his love's puffy eyes from crying.

Soobin sniffled a few times, wrapping his arms around Yeonjun's waist and burrying his face in his chest, crying out into it as he couldn't find the words to speak right now.

"Shh, shh, it's gonna be okay. Hyung's here, love. I'm right here~"

Yeonjun held him close after guiding him to the couch and sitting him on his lap, rubbing his back and running his hands through the boy's hair to help him calm down, which worked. He eventually calmed down enough to where he was just quietly sniffling a bit, a sad pout on his lips, which Yeonjun tried to ignore given the situation.

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