~🔞 "Enemies" - 2.2 🔞~

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Yeonjun hummed as he walked out of the elevator, wondering if his baby had eaten breakfast yet or not, and what he would be doing while he was gone.

He walked down the hallway until he reached his father's office, knocking on the door. He waited until he heard a 'come in' from inside, then he opened the door and went in, closing it behind him.

Junesik looked up from his computer before standing up.

"You're here," he said, looking at his son, who walked up to stand in front of his desk.

"Yeah. What is so important that you needed to see me in person?" He asked, confused. Normally if his father needed something during work, he'd just call or text his phone, but he called him in, so Yeonjun didn't know what to expect.

The older man huffed, grabbing a Manila folder from his desk drawer before tossing it on the desk, gesturing Yeonjun to open it.

Confused, and with a raised brow, the male grabbed it and opened it up, immediately widening his eyes.

He was met with lewd pictures of him and Soobin, shirtless and making out in an abandoned building. He moved them aside, swiping through multiple other pictures that showed him and his fiancée getting it on or being touchy and close. One of them was them getting freaky inside one of his father's old cars, which obviously didn't have as dark a tint as he thought.

Blushing, Yeonjun cleared his throat, closing the folder and putting it into his jacket. "Where did you get these?" He asked, a bit embarrassed that his father had seen him and his fiancé in such states.

Junesik scoffed, pointing at his son. "The better question is why the fuck were you running around behind my back fucking around with our enemy's son??? And meeting him without my permission?! Did you really think I wouldn't find out about your little scandal!!??" He yelled, glaring at him in disappointment.

Yeonjun looked at him with a frown. "Why do I have to tell you what I do in my own free time? I'm 25 for fucks sake!!!" He yelled back, anger on his face. "I'm not a kid anymore, so what if I want to be around Mr. Choi's son?? He's my fiancé anyways, so it's not like it'll be that much more of a shock to anyone if they find out!"

"Ah, yes, about that. I'm canceling the wedding." His father said, leaving him with wide eyes as he gasped.

"What?!?! You can't do that!!!!!"

"Oh, yes I can! I will not have MY son fucking around behind my back and ruining our reputation because of some boy toy!! You tricked me into a contract with them just so you could be with him, didn't you?!"

Yeonjun frowned, his eyebrows scrunched up as he looked at the older man.

"Dad, you can't separate me and Soobin!!! Maybe I did suggest marriage because I genuinely want to marry him, but that doesn't mean the contract isn't gonna be upheld." He said, sighing and walking closer to his dad and holding his arms, looking at him desperately with hope and passion in his eyes.

"Dad, I'm begging you not to call off the wedding. I love Soobin with all of my heart, and I'd do anything to protect him, even kill myself. I'd rather not live at all if it's without him. I know this is hard for you, but it's not easy to find someone you truly love and trust when you're in the mafia business, so please, I'm begging you to let me stay with this boy who I truly love and want to spend the rest of my time on this planet with."

Junesik was stunned, staring at his son, more specifically his eyes. They were shining so brightly with every part of his being. He couldn't help but be reminded of himself, who once held such beautiful dreams, only to be crushed by his own mother, who saw his dreams as unnecessary and thought they made him weak.

Sighing, he pat his son's shoulder.

"I guess, if this is really what you want, I'll have to support you. Even if I don't agree with it and he is from my enemy's group. You better not make me regret my choices, son. I won't cancel the wedding."

Yeonjun hugged his dad in relief, smiling happily. "I promise you won't!! I'll make sure of it!" He said, feeling all giddy from excitement. Now he wanted to see his future husband even more, which Junesik's obviously picked up on because he gestured for him to go.

"Go on, I won't stop you from going." He said, and Yeonjun was out the door before he finished.


The whole way home, Yeonjun was practically bouncing in his seat, jumping out of the car when he arrived and sprinting to the door.

Once he got inside, he looked around for his lover. Seeing him on the couch on his phone, he skipped over and laid on his lap, hugging his waist.

Soobin gasped a bit before giggling when he noticed it was his fiancé. He set his phone down and gently ran his fingers through his (Yeonjun's) hair.

"You seem very happy~ what did you two talk about that's making you so giddy?"

Yeonjun grinned up at the boy before sitting up so that he could capture Soobin's lips in a kiss.

The younger reacted by kissing back, wrapping his arms around his neck as the older kept his arms around Soobin's waist.

They pulled away after a little bit and Yeonjun stared at him happily before he spoke up.

"He found out that we've been together since before we got engaged and almost canceled the wedding!" He said with a pout, making Soobin chuckle a little and move his hair out of his eyes.

"And what else did he say, my love? Did he yell at you?"

Yeonjun nodded, burying his face in the male's neck so he could smell his scent.

"He did. He showed me some photos of us having sex and intimate moments," he said, taking the photos out of his jacket and handing them to him.

Soobin looked through them with a bright red face before he set them face down on the coffee table.

"It's okay though, because I convinced him to not separate us because we love each other so much and I'd rather die than be without my Soobie boobie woobie~"

Soobin pinched his arm in embarrassment while laughing lightly. "Well, that's good." He started, kissing his lover's temple. "Speaking of, my father heard us this morning and he was not happy. He was disappointed that I didn't tell him about us, but he supports us." He said happily as Yeonjun sat up and held his hands.

"Well that's good~" the older male smirked "At least he didn't interrupt. I know how much you love my co-" Soobin pushed him off the couch and got up, before running upstairs with his cheeks covered.

"Aishhh! You're so embarrassinggggg" he said, slamming their bedroom door and plopping onto the bed under the blankets while kicking his feet.

Yeonjun laughed out loud as he got up, dusting himself off as he smirked even more.

"We'll see how embarrassing I can be when I get you screaming my name til the neighbors call to complain~" he said before running after the younger, planning to fuck him all night in celebration of their fathers accepting their relationship.



Sorry this took me so long to write I kept getting distracted! Also sorry updates to all my stories and Oneshots have been slow, I've been getting way more writers block ever since I've graduated last year. I haven't forgotten about my stories, it just takes me a bit longer to get the ideas flowing. It's either I write in segments or I write most in one go. That's kinda how it's been lol. Anyways, thanks for staying and reading!! I really appreciate you all for taking the time to read my stories!

I try to make sure I have correct grammar and puntuation, but sometimes I miss errors, so please don't mind that! I usually don't edit them because it erases comments in some sections when I save it. Thank you again! Until next time!!

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