Run Away (2/2)

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Mentions of Abuse
Transferred story from my Wit account

It's been a few months and Yeonjun and Soobin had gotten closer than before. They had both gained feelings for each other, but never said anything in fear of ruining their friendship.



Yeonjun ran up to the male and hugged him happily. It was Yeonjun's birthday, and he was planning on spending time with Soobin all day since it was saturday and he had convinced Soobin's dad to let him go out.

Soobin smiled and hugged Yeonjun back. "Hi Junnie~ are you ready to go?" He asked softly.

"Yep~ lets go"

They both ran off together to a nearby convenience store close to the school and went inside.

"Since its your birthday, ice cream is on me today~"

Yeonjun smiled playfully and poked his cheek. "Why thank you my loyal wallet~"

They both laughed and went to the ice cream freezer, each picking out a flavor of ice cream and then Soobin paying for it before they walked outside.

"Mmmmmm this is so gooodddd" Yeonjun moaned as he took a bite of the frozen treat.

"Lemme try~" Soobin stole a bit from Yeonjun's ice cream, earning a gasp from the other male as he chased him around. Yeonjun jumped on Soobin's back and they both fell down laughing at each other.

"My Ice cream!!!" Soobin screamed upon seeing that it fell on the grass.

"Hahahhahahaha! That's karma!" Yeonjun said, sticking his tongue out at the younger.

Soobin pouted and Yeonjun's heart fluttered. They both stared at each other for a few minutes before Yeonjun cleared his throat and helped Soobin up.

"Um... what should we do now?"

Soobin shrugged and looked at Yeonjun. "Wanna go to the boys' house?"

Yeonjun nodded his head and stood up. "Yeah, let's go." Yeonjun took Soobin's hand and lead him to Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Huningkai's house.

Soobin and Yeonjun walked up to the apartment door and knocked, earning silence for a while before three boys opened the door.

"Oh! Hey guys!" A shaggy haired male said.

"How are you? It's been so long!" The youngest said happily.

A shorter male pulled the other two out of the doorway. "Hey, let them come in at least!"

Soobin chuckled as they let them both in. He and Yeonjun sat on the couch while Taehyun went to get them something to drink.

"So How have you two been? Have you finally conf-" Beomgyu was about to say something but was cut off by Hueningkai elbowing him.

"We've been doing great. Im still sad you two got suspended though" Yeonjun said with a pout.

"Oh dont worry about us, that bitch deserved to be beat up for bullying people" Beomgyu said as he waved his hand in the air.

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