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"A-ahhh~ fuck! Junnie!!" Soobin moaned as the blue haired fucked his brains out over the bathroom counter.

"Shh, baby~ you'll get us caught~" the male said, wrapping his hand around the younger's cock, stroking the length to help him reach faster.

Soobin gasped at the feeling, pushing his hips against each thrust, arching his back. "J-Junnie hyung~ m' close~" he said with a whimper.

Said male only quickened his pace, snapping his hips harder as he leaned down to kiss the brunette's neck. He must've hit the perfect spot, as Soobin was a moaning mess now, only being muffled by Yeonjun's hand that covered his mouth.

"Ahh! Y-yes! Right there~!"

I'm Yeonjun groaned, thrusting into the boy over and over again in that area, loving the sight below him.

A few more minutes of pounding into him, Yeonjun came inside the boy's ass, Soobin cumming soon after.

The older thrusted out their highs before pulling out and cleaning up, then pulling his pants up and helping Soobin with his.

"Thank you, Junnie~" Soobin said as he hugged Yeonjun.

The blue haired smiled and kissed his cheek. "Don't thank me, baby. You know I love sneaking around behind our groups like this~" he said, caressing the boy's cheek.

Choi Yeonjun and Choi Soobin, the sons of the top two most infamous mafia group leaders, who also happen to be enemies.

The two met one day while Soobin was sent to scope an area out. They got along quickly, seen as they both were attracted to each other, and started dating behind their fathers' backs, fucking and making out with each other every chance they got.

Soobin giggled softly, pecking his boyfriend's cheek. "Me too~" he said, humming softly. "We should go. You know we have a meeting with our fathers soon."

"Mm. I wonder what we'll talk about. They never choose to meet together like this in person. Anyways. We have some time~ I wanna give you something~" he said, pulling something out of his pocket. It was a ring, silver with tiny gems on it.

"I had it personally made just for you, Binnie, because I know you love jewelry~ also because I wanted to ask you a question~" he said, moving some hair out of the boy's face.

Soobin giggled again, holding his hand, grinning. "Are you about to propose to me, Junnie?" He teased, wrapping his arms around the boy's neck.

Yeonjun chuckled, holding his waist. "Maybe~ how about it? Will you marry me baby?"

Soobin smiled, kissing him softly. "You know we can't, right? We're part of enemy mafias, babe. Our fathers wouldn't allow it." He said, playing with the pure diamond ring.

Yeonjun hummed. "That's exactly why I'm going to convince them at the meeting today~" he said, gently squeezing his lover's ass.

Soobin though for a bit.

"Okay. I'll marry you if you convince our fathers." He said, kissing him softly before leaving.

Yeonjun waved as he left, happy. He turned around and walked out, going to get ready for the meeting, too.


Soobin and Yeonjun's fathers greeted each other upon arriving to the meeting place. They went into a private meeting room and sat across from each other fathers facing each other and the sons facing each other.

As Yeonjun passed Soobin he was able to whisper something loving in his ear, which made a small grin appear on the boy's lips before it went away as he sat down.

"Thank you for coming, Hansoo. I'm glad we were able to arrange this meeting." Yeonjun's father said, looking at the two across from him.

Soobin's father hummed with a nod. "Of course, Junesik. It's not every day that your enemies want to come to a peaceful agreement about something." He joked.

After a few minutes of exchanging a few words, they started talking about things like politics and possible trade methods, none of which the two sons were interested in, as they were busy playing footsies under the table while their fathers debated.

Soon, Soobin's father sighed and crossed his arms. "I don't think this will work out. There is no guarantee one group or the other will stay true to their word and not betray the other. I do agree that trading would be a good way to keep things equal, but I don't see the value in such a contract like this."

This caught the attention of the younger two. Soobin was a little weary, seen as his dad was a stubborn man, and he would always have a hard time agreeing to certain things. That's part of why he's still one of the best in the business.

Yeonjun however was calm and collected as he raised his hand. "May I suggest something?" He asked politely, looking between the three of them.

The eldest two looked at him before nodding, letting him have a turn to speak.

The blue haired stood up. "Well, sir. I understand that you have trouble with agreeing to a trade that isn't in writing and that isn't really reliable or trustworthy. So, I have a solution that would benefit all of us in this room." He said, slowly making his way around the table.

Hansoo raised a brow, crossing his arms while leaning back in his chair. "What would that be?"

The younger smirked lightly at this, walking a bit more before stopping next to Soobin. "Well, I've been thinking, and since your son seems about my age, how about a marriage alliance?" He said, unfazed by the looks of the two older men.

"That's absurd, you're both boys!!" The older man said, clearly unamused.

Yeonjun shrugged. "Well, the way I see it, we are the only two heirs to our respective groups, and by marrying us to each other, we would be joined forces. It would only be natural to trade and help each other out when needed if we were to be allies. Plus," he added, gently trailing his fingers along Soobin's arm. "Your son is quite a catch. I wouldn't mind if I was stuck with him forever~" he said with a hum.

"Also, if you are worried about an heir, we could always adopt. There are always babies in foster care or adoption centers that nobody cares about."

Soobin's father squinted at him for a long while before looking at Junesik. "I don't see anything wrong with this plan. Soobin is a capable young man who knows how to fight, and I've seen your son in action. I trust him to protect my son if they wed. Soobin, do you agree to this?"

The younger nodded happily with a hum. "Yes, father."

Yeonjun's father thought it over, nodding in agreement. "I accept. They shall wed next week and we can schedule a meeting to start the trading of goods after that." He said, getting a nod of approval from Hansoo.

Soobin mentally sighed in relief as he looked up at Yeonjun, who winked at him before standing up and grabbing his hand.

"Well, I will be taking Soobin with me to my apartment to 'get to know him' better. After all, we will be moving in together and getting married~" he said before dragging him out of the meeting room and to his car.

Once they were inside and the tinted windows were up, Yeonjun immediately pulled him into a sloppy kiss.

Soobin wrapped his arms around the male's neck, pulling his hair harshly as Yeonjun deepened the kiss.

The older shoved his tongue in his mouth, tasting all the sweet sensation of the kiss by exploring every inch of his fiancé's mouth.

They only pulled away for air after a few minutes, Yeonjun biting the younger's lip as a string of saliva connected their swollen lips still.

Yeonjun smirked at the boy. "I told you I'd work my magic, baby boy~"

Soobin whined softly and bit his lip. "Just take me home and fuck me already!" He huffed.

Yeonjun chuckled and started the car. "As you wish, my love~"

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