Be My Valentine?

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Soobin sighed softly for the nth time today. Ever since he got up he'd been dreading the day.

Today was Valentine's Day and he was single, which meant he'd be alone the whole day, having  to watch a bunch of couples be lovey dovey for the whole day.

Not to mention his brother and one of his two best friends were dating each other and loved rubbing it in his face.

A tall, blonde snickered softly, cuddling his boyfriend, who happened to be Soobin's brother.

"Cheer up, Hyungie! I'm sure you'll find a lover someday!" He teased, trying to hold back his laugh.

Soobin only rolled his eyes. "Oh shut it, Kai. You and Beomgyu make me wanna gouge my eyes out from your mushiness!" He said, making a disgusted face while fake gagging.

The boy Kai was sitting on the lap of, chuckled. Sorry, bro, but that's just how it is! My Ningning is too cute to resist~" he said, pecking all over said boy's face, earning a fit of giggles.

Soobin huffed, turning to his other bestie that was eating his sandwich happily.

"Hyun-ah, they're bullying me again!!" He complained with a pout.

"Guys, leave the poor guy alone, he's sensitive." He said, not even looking up, making the couple laugh even more.

"Ugh! You guys are unbelievable" he mumbled, thanking the lords that the bell rang.

"Oh, shit. Well I guess me and my Pookie will have to go to class now, Hyung. See you at home. See you later, Tyun!" Beomgyu said, grabbing his boyfriend's hand and walking out of the room with him.

Taehyun and Soobin had the same class together first, so they just stayed in their seats.

Soobin sat there with a pouting face the whole time. He felt a tap on his shoulder and looked up.

A boy with fox-like features and jet black hair held out a singular rose and a piece of paper attached to a small basket.

"Oh, Jongin? What can I do for you?" Soobin asked with a raised brow.

The boy quickly set the items on the desk and smiled.

"My cousin wanted me to give these to you. He thinks you're cute and that you deserved to have them. He won't ever shut up about you at home." He said with a wink before walking away to his seat without another word.

Soobin was left in shock, staring at the basket and flower, mouth hanging open. Taehyun was no different.

"No fuckin' way dude! You have a secret admirer!!!" Taehyun exclaimed excitedly, making the older blush as he opened the card, seeing it was a letter.

" Dear Bunny Boy,
You are the most beautiful person I've ever laid my eyes upon, and your personality is so kind. I've admired you from afar for a really long time now, and finally decided to find the courage to tell you. But I want to tell you in person. So, if you aren't busy, and you are willing to hear me out. I'd like to invite you to meet me on the roof today during lunch time.
I totally understand if you don't feel comfortable meeting someone you don't quite know, but I promise I will try to make it worth your time.

Love, your Secret Admirer

"Oh wow. That dude must really like you if he's using cringey words like that." Taehyun said, peaking over the boy's shoulder to read the note as well.

"Shut up!" Soobin swatted him away with a glare before turning back to the basket on his desk.

Inside was a couple of Soobin's favorite chocolates and breads, with a small, pink and white polka dotted valentines bear, hugging a heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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