~🔞Darling - 2🔞~

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🔞- There will be no warnings in this chapter, so read at your own risk and do not report😠 -🔞

5 Years.

It had been 5 years since Soobin had watched Yeonjun climb down the castle walls and run into the woods.

In that time, Soobin had become king. He divorced Yoonji after the 1 year minimum for marriage and never had a romantic relationship with anyone since.

In the 4th year, he had finally gotten through to some of the council members and managed to make same sex marriage and relationships legal. It took a lot of work, but in the end, it was worth it if it meant so many people get to be with their lovers.

However, Soobin still hadn't heard from his own lover. Every night, he sat by his window, holding onto his ring necklace tightly, hoping that Yeonjun would come back to him and be together with him soon.

He missed the older so bad, Yeonjun was Soobin he thought about for all those years.

Soobin sighed as he got up from the chair on the balcony. It was past midnight, and he was really tired. He walked over to his bed and laid down.

Before he could get comfortable, though, there was a knock on his door.

He groaned before getting out of bed slowly and walking over to the door, opening it.

Upon opening the door, Soobin's eyes widened, as the tears he'd been holding back for years fell down his cheeks.


The raven smiled fondly at Soobin, holding his arms out warmly for the younger.

"Im back, darling~"

Soobin immediately ran and jumped into Yeonjun's arms holding him so tightly as if he would disappear again.

"I missed you so much, Binnie~" the older said, wrapping his arms around Soobin's waist.

"I missed you too, Junnie!" The younger said, burrying his face in the older's neck. "You have no idea how hard it was for me without you by my side."

Yeonjun smiled, caressing his cheek. "I know. Sorry I'm so late, Binnie, but I wanted to make sure I could stay low profile long enough to be forgotten about, just in case.

Soobin smiled, hugging him again.

"Binnie~ do you remember that promise I made to you?" He asked, rubbing his back. Soobin nodded,

"I think about it every day." He said with a hum.

"Good." Yeonjun smiled and pulled away, kissing him on the cheek before taking the necklace off the boy's neck and pulling the ring off.

He held Soobin's hand and got down on one knee, smiling. "Choi Soobin, will you marry me and be my darling forever?"

Soobin felt more tears slide down his cheeks as he got more emotional. After so many years apart, this is what he had always wanted to hear. He nodded rapidly and hugged the older tightly, crying into his shoulder while Yeonjun pat his back.

"Of course I will marry you!" He said, sobbing happily as Yeonjun pulled away, sliding the ring onto his finger.

Soobin looked at the ring with a smile before wrapping his arms around his new fiancé, smooshing their lips together in a sweet kiss.

The older kissed back happily, pulling him closer by the waist.

Soobin hummed softly, pulling his head closer to deepen the kiss. Yeonjun bit softly on the male's lip, earning a gasp from the younger. He took this chance to insert his tongue into his mouth, exploring while their tongues dance together in the sloppy kiss.

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