Darling - 1

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Soobin was the only prince in the kingdom of Seoul. His father set many responsibilities on him since a young age, never really caring about what he did in his free time, as long as he did his studying and training.

The blonde hummed softly as he strolled through the garden. He adored the garden because it had a maze that he knew by heart. It was always fun to hide in here and play around.

The 18 year old made his way through the bushes happily, until he heard groans. Nobody usually came into the maze since it was inconvenient and out of the way of the rest of the castle.

He followed the sounds carefully, holding onto the handle of his sword just in case he needed it.

Eventually, he arrived at the center of the maze, which was a fountain and a few benches with several blue and white flowers.

However, it wasn't the garden he was worried about right now. The first thing he noticed was a black haired male, sitting on the edge of the fountain, holding his bloodied stomach in pain.

Soobin quickly ran over to the male in concern "oh my goodness, are you alright?? What happened??" He asked, startling the other, who winced when Soobin tried to touch his wound. "Im sorry," he said quickly, grabbing a handkerchief from his pocket to hold around his stomach.

Once he was able to securely wrap his wound, he looked at the boy. He was a bit dirty and looked like he had been running in the woods.

"What is your name?" He asked, letting the male rest his head on his lap.

The boy opened his eyes a little bit to look at the blonde. Stunning, was the only word that came to his brain.

"Choi Yeonjun." He said softly, admiring the boy's face. He was the prettiest boy he had ever laid eyes upon.

His heart melted when he saw him smile, his eyes turning into crescents and his nose scrunching slightly.

"Well, my name is Choi Soobin. Im the crown prince, so you're in good hands~" he said softly.

It was only then, that Yeonjun noticed the small, crystallized, white and gold, sparkling crown that sat on top of the boy's head. He quickly sat up, wincing in pain as he got up off the bench.

"Where are you going?? You're wounded!" Soobin said, getting up and following him.

"I can't stay here. If you're the prince, then those guards can easily find me. Who knows if you'll tell them I'm here or not." He said, looking for a way out.

Soobin thought for a bit. "Guards? Were guards the ones who hurt you? They wouldn't do that if you were just walking by. What did you do for them to attack you??" He said, following the boy through the maze.

"See? Already looking for a reason to turn me in. If you must know, though, some dude that was passing me by handed me a bag of god knows what, and the next thing I know, I'm being chased by guards on horses!" He said, groaning when he was met with another dead end.

He was about to turn around and go back the way he came when Soobin stopped him, standing right in front of him.

"Listen, I know you aren't very trusting of me right now, but I promise you, I will make sure nothing bad happens to you, okay? I know the truth and that should be enough for me to trust you." He said before picking the male up bridal style and carrying him through the maze.

Yeonjun held onto his neck tightly, wincing a little bit. "Where are you taking me??" He said, sounding a little concerned.

"Relax, I'm taking you to my room, where I can bandage you up properly and you can take a nice bath." He explained, not taking no for an answer as he carried him into the back door of the palace, and up a couple flights of stairs. The strength of this man surprised Yeonjun, considering he didn't look like he had a lot of muscles.

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