Drunk Love

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"Aish!!!!" The raven shouted as he downed his 7th bottle of soju.

"Who does he think he is, going out all the time and cheating on me with some hooker!! He's supposed to only love me!!" He whined, laying his head on his arms over the counter.

The blonde haired male next to him frowned. "At least he's not like my ex! She stole my precious savings and used it to go to Canada!! Fucking Canada! How could she say she loved me then leave me to go somewhere to be with her secret baby daddy?!" He whined, plopping his head on his hand.

The raven haired lifted his head, pointing at the blonde. "She's a bitch!! If I was your boyfriend, I wouldn't do things like that. Doesn't she know common sense?!!" He said with a frown, his blush red cheeks a clear sign of his drunken state.

The blonde nodded in agreement. "Right! If I was your boyfriend I wouldn't cheat on you like that bastard. Why would people date others just to use them!?!?"

They both nodded in agreement as they spilled all of their problems to each other.

Eventually the bartender had to kick them out for standing on the tables and protesting against cheaters, then proceeding to makeout passionately on the bar counter.

The two stumbled into an apartment door, fumbling with their shoes before making their way to the bedroom, where they then proceeded to continue their makeout. Until they landed on the bed.

"Yah, should we date each other? Other people are too stupid for us. We should be together so we don't have to deal with those cheating assholes!" The raven said, punching the air.

The blonde male hummed and nodded in agreement. "What a great idea! We will show them who is the better couple! We are boyfriends now, so don't change your mind!"

"Mm! You're hot. Do you want to have sex with me?" The raven asked, looking at him with tired eyes, holding his arms around his neck and puckering his lips for a kiss.

The blonde kissed him, nodding his head. "Let's do it!" He said, pouncing on the other.


When the raven woke up, all he could feel is a splitting headache as he sat up slowly, holding his head.

He looked around the room, realizing he wasn't in his bed. He quickly looked down at his naked body before gasping and covering his mouth. He looked around for his clothes and didn't see them, so he wrapped the blanket around himself, looking around for them, only to no avail.

He gave up and settled for going through the dresser. He quickly grabbed a pair of boxers, a button up shirt and some sweatpants. Everything was a bit too big, but he didn't mind. He was just happy to be wearing clothes.

As he was finishing up, he smelt something yummy from outside of the room, so he decided to go check it out. As he followed the scent, he was met with the same blonde boy he met last night cooking. He had sweatpants on with no shirt on, and the raven couldn't help but stare a bit, blushing after remembering what they did last night.

The blonde seemed to have noticed his presence as he turned to him, smiling. "Good morning. I made breakfast in case you were hungry." He said, placing two plates on the table with the most delicious looking pancakes in the world. "I also put your clothes in the wash, since they were dirty."

"Thank you" the blonde said shyly while nodding, sitting down across from him and starting to eat.

The blonde smiled softly as he began eating as well.

"So... about last night.." he started, and the raven almost chocked on his food.

The blonde quickly patted his back, giving him some water to drink.

Once he calmed down, he cleared his throat and avoided eye contact. "W-what about last night?"

The blonde hummed. "Well. I've been thinking about what we agreed... and if you don't want to, then I understand. I know we were both drunk, so don't sweat it."

The raven raised a brow, sifting through his memories until he remembered what he was talking about. He thought about it, blushing slightly as he played with his food. "I-I wouldn't mind..." he mumbled softly.

The blonde looked up at him with a raised brow. "Really?"

He nodded, looking away, blushing madly. "Really! I don't think you are a bad guy.... So, I wouldn't mind dating you." He said.

It was silent for a bit before the blonde chuckled softly.

"What's so funny?" The raven said with a pout. The blonde shook his head and hummed.

"It's nothing, just... we don't even know each other's names, but here we are trying to date each other~" he answered.


The raven looked at him, a bit shy. "My name is Yeonjun. Choi Yeonjun..."

Soobin looked at him, smiling softly.

"Choi Soobin~"

Both boys stared at each other before laughing softly.

"Well, Choi Yeonjun, would you like to be my boyfriend?"

Yeonjun smiled and nodded.

"I would love to be your boyfriend, Choi Soobin~"


"And that's how I met your Appa, my sweet Soojunnie~" Yeonjun said, smiling at his 17 year old son.

The teen scrunched his nose. "So you guys just met each other at a bar, complained about your exes, made out and fucked, and then started dating????" he asked. "Do you realize how dangerous that could've been?" He said with a slightly disturbed look.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes. "Hey! If we never started dating, you wouldn't be alive! You know I can't live without you, my adorable little sweet pea~" he said, kissing all over his son's face.

Soojun gasped and pushed Yeonjun away, wiping his slobbery face off. "Yuck! Papa!"

The older laughed, pinching his cheeks happily. "You'll be alright~"

Soojun rolled his eyes but smiled.

"Hey guys, I'm home!" They heard a voice come from the front door.

"Hi, Appa!" Soojun said, hugging Soobin.

The blonde hummed, hugging back.

"Hey, bub. What are you guys doing?" He asked as he put his work stuff down on the coffee table.

"Oh, I was just telling him about how we met~" the raven answered, hugging his husband.

"Ah, I see~ it was love at first sight~" he said, rubbing their noses together.

"Ew! PDA!!" Soojun said, scrunching his nose before running away.

The couple laughed and shared a short, but passionate kiss.

"I love you, Junnie~" the younger said, gently caressing his lover's cheek. Yeonjun hummed, smiling softly as he looked into Soobin's eyes fondly.

"I love you, too, Binnie~"

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