Chapter Eleven~Impossible Magic

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They kept showing up in my room. Like magic. All signed to me, all in Tam's handwriting. It was impossible, how could Tam be sending me letters for Exillium? Why would Tam be sending me letters in the first place?

Nothing made sense.

But an elf have like, 500 different abilities didn't make that much sense either.

Yet here we are.

I hadn't told anyone about the mystery letter yet. Not even my closet friend, my best friend if you will. Not even my brother. 

The most recent letter I got was the one where Tam drew a small moon on the bottom of the paper when saying goodnight. All his letters seem to revolve around two things.

What's happening with that weird teacher, and me. But the latter doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense at all. Why would Tam be writing letters to me?

Why would he-

RING RING RING! My spiraling thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my imparter ringing. It must have been Sophie, I had told her we would call again later today after school.

I checked my imparter screen. It wasn't Sophie. It was Dex. I answered reluctantly.

"Hi, Dex," I said dryly, "What's up?"

If Dex noticed my tone, he didn't say anything, "Nothing much. I just wanted to call me girlfriend and ask how she was doing. I miss talking to you more Biana. You've been so distant after Tam..." He trailed off. In that moment I almost wanted to punch him. He was acting like Tam was dead. He was acting as if Tam was a lost cause, like I would never see him again.

Well, I'll show you my 'boyfriend' that I will see Tam again. I swear it. 

"Yeah, sorry about that. I've just been... Busy," I paused, trying to think of an excuse besides I've been reading impossible letters from Tam that probably aren't even from Tam and I'm probably just going crazy, "With schoolwork," I decided. That seemed... Go enough.

"Alright, babe," He sighed, brushing a hand through his strawberry blonde hair. Before I would have thought that was cute. Now? Dex was just getting on my nerves. I cringed once I realized he called me babe. I had always hated pet names. Especially from him. It just felt... Wrong.

"Yeah... Talk to you later, okay?"

"You have to go already?"

"I promise Sophie I would call her today," I said, which wasn't a lie.

"Oh. Ok. Bye, Biana." He blew me a quick kiss before ending our call. I didn't return it. 

I still felt so horrible. I was leading Dex on, when I clearly didn't have feelings for him anymore. And I was being such a jerk to him, Dex never did anything wrong. He always treated me well, and called regularly to ask if I was okay.

But it just never felt right. I guess I finally realized that I've caught feelings for Tam now. But too late.

One week too late.

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