Chapter 47 - Sort things out

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Alexander's pov:

When I heard what Roxanne told me about the nurse who poisoned Elektra, I was sure Cassandra was behind all this. I still cannot believe how ruthless this girl became. I realize now that she has a strange obsession with me which combined with her rape by Bartholomew makes her act irrational: that's why she accused Roxane of attacking her and poisoning Electra.

I immediately mind linked Alina and asked her to let me know where Cassandra was. Unfortunately, she didn't have much to say to me. They have lost their tracks on our southern border. That only meant one thing that Cassandra was very likely to come here. I immediately mind linked Steve to request access to the hospital's cameras.

Half an hour later, Steve informed me that maybe he found something. At the same time a nurse was asking Elektra's relatives to come forward. I told Steve to keep searching and that I would go upstairs a bit later while I approached the nurse.

-"Are you Miss River's relatives?" the nurse asked as we approached her.

-"Yes, I am her nanny and this is her mate" Roxanne answered worriedly.

-"Look, Miss River got poisoned. We did a gastric lavage to her and managed to reduce the amount of poison that had accumulated in her body. The bad news is that she hasn't woken up from the anesthesia yet" the nurse explained.

-"And what is going to happen now?" I asked her.

-"We transferred her to her room and the doctors suggest her mate to go inside. There is a great possibility to regain her consciousness due to her mate's presence. Otherwise we will wait for her to wake up by herself"

-"Ok then. Thank you very much for the information" she told the nurse and then turned towards me and said: "What are you waiting for? Go with her!"

-"I will as soon as I'll be informed by the reception the number of her room" I explained.

-"It's 501 on fifth floor" the nurse said as she walked away from me.

-"Thank you" I told her and headed towards Elektra's room. I found it in a few minutes and quickly got inside. When I saw her lying pale as if dead in her bed, my heart broke into a million pieces: she didn't look good at all. I approached her bed and sat next to her. I took her hand and sparks filled my body while millions of butterflies appeared in my stomach.

-"Elektra" I whispered in her ear. "I am here my love, please wake up!"

I stayed by her side talking to her all night until I fell asleep. When I woke up the next day something strange happened. Electra was not in the room. Did her condition worsen and the medical staff took her? And if they were, why didn't they inform me? I stood up abruptly and headed for the door when the bathroom door suddenly opened. Elektra came out. She didn't look so pale anymore. She greeted me with a smile.

-"Good morning" I managed to say.

-"Thank you for being here but you should go now....." she said sadly.

-"Go where?" I asked her incredulously.

-"Please don't make it more difficult to me. Go back to Cassandra, your mate"

-"What? Cassandra isn't my mate! Why would you say something like that?" he reasoned.

-"But, but Alpha Richard said that you took Cassandra with you because she was your mate"

-"What nonsense are all these? Cassandra was raped back in the Silver Dawn pack by Bartholomew. That's why I took her from there. Bartholomew wanted to take her with him. I couldn't allow it."

-"What? Oh my Goddess. This man is" she said agitated.

-"Relax" I told her putting my finger on her lips after getting close to her. "I am here now for you!" I told trying to sooth her.

-"What happened to me?" she wondered.

-"You were poisoned" I told her in a serious tone.

-"Poisoned? How? When? The only thing that I remember is fighting with my fat.....I mean Bartholomew. Then everything became black."

-"I will explain everything to you, be patient!"

-"Tell me! What's going on?" she wondered.

-"Cassandra poisoned you"

-"What? Why? How?"

-"She came here dressed as a nurse and gave you a pill that poisoned you"

-"Why did she do that?"

-"Cause she knows I have feeling for you" I explained.

-"I.....I see...." she said lowering her head blushed.

-"Elektra" I said rising her chin up with my thumb and looked her in her eyes. Then I took her hand and led her to the bed. We both sat down and after I took a big sigh I continued "Elektra, you and I are mates"

-"What? How is this possible? You touch me and I don't feel anything. Besides my wolf doesn't recognize you"

-"I's because your father's spell. But don't worry I know a way we can solve it"

-"But how are you so sure?"

-"When you were unconscious, every time I touched you sparks filled my whole body"

-"Really?" she asked with wide eyes.

-"Yes, I don't know why but the bond worked when you were unconscious"

-"Elektra, I always felt something deeper for you. I knew you were special to me from the first time I saw you"

-"I felt the same too" she confessed.

-"Then why did you refuse me? Why did you treat me so hostile? Why you didn't want anything to do with me?"

-"Because Alpha Richard of the Silver Moon pack told me that Cassandra was your mate: that's why you took her with you"

-"What? This bast@rd! How dare he?" I exclaimed angrily. I had enough of these two idiots. They always interfere in my life" I said indignantly.

-"And now what?" Elektra asked after a few minutes of absolute silence.

-"What do you mean?"

-"Now that we are mates as you say....." she started to explain but I didn't let her finish.

-"I don't say Elektra, that's the only truth" I said feeling offending. Why can't she believe in me?

-"I didn't mean to offend you. I just wanted to ask about your intentions"

-"I think I've already made that clear Elektra. I'm in love with you, I want you. I want to spend my whole life with you, don't you see?" I said and tilted my head towards hers. Our faces were inches apart. We looked at each other lovingly. I put my lips on hers. They were so soft, so thick and inviting. Our kiss was sweet and soft at first but as it deepened it became more dominant and intense! We stayed there kissing hungrily each other like it was our last day together. We couldn't get enough of each other! For the first time in a long time Elektra showed me how much I meant to her. I was beside myself with joy! It was so hard for me to realize that she had feeling with me.

We took advantage of the comfort and quiet of the room and talked about everything. I didn't want to let any misunderstanding come our way. I told her about what Esmeree had revealed to me. She looked at me very carefully. Especially the part about breaking the spell left her speechless but also excited. It was obvious that not finding her mate was like a thorn in her heart that she held for a long time and I was willing to uproot once and for all.

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