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[Sky's wolf Peat's photo]

"Did you do this on purpose?" Sky asked Pai when they settled into Sky's room.

Pai: Trust me I didn't have any idea they were planning this.

Sky looked into the man's eyes and he know the man is not lying. But he don't know how to handle this situation. His past hunt him still and he don't want to trust anyone anymore. But this man never failed to shake his heart and make him want to see a new hope but shaked the thought out of his head.

Pai: So will you give us a chance?

Sky: Umm have to because of Mom and Pho.

Sky said that and looked out the window and he saw a wolf was running towards the forest. He paled immediately when he realised it's Rain. He immediately rushed towards the garden. Oh god what happened!! Why's he running into his nightmare himself? Sky was thinking this in his mind . Pai was worried when he saw the paled look on Sky's face. He looked at the direction Sky was looking and he saw a beautiful white coloured wolf was running towards the wood . Then he saw Sky was rushing out of the room. He followed him behind.

Pai: Sky what happened!!

Sky: You go downstairs and say my parents and Rain's parents that me and Rain will be back in a while don't have to worry.

Pai: But where are you going?

Sky: Into the forest.

Pai: Want me to go with you?

Sky: No!! Just stay here and don't let anyone go into the forest.

Pai nodded and went downstairs to say everyone the news. When he went downstairs he saw Venice was sitting there with a very dark expression. What's going on here. Pai said everyone the news Sky told him to say and dragged Venice with him in the garden.

Pai : Spit.

Pai demanded and Venice said everything to him. Though he said everything to Pai he wasn't satisfied with the work he have done . He could feel his wolf is restless and his heart was aching. He don't know why he was searching for someone to see . And specifically to say his heart was screaming the someone's name as Rain. He wants to see Rain but he couldn't find that little figure anywhere.

Pai got angry after hearing everything.

Pai: Phayu what's wrong with you huh! That day at college I saw how badly you treat Rain. Now you rejected him that abruptly. You should have considered his feelings a little too. Yes I know you are searching for 'Him' . But what if he's not the one for you? What if he's already taken? Rain is a nice boy. And from his expression I could tell he likes you. I'm not telling you give up on the one you're searching for Rain. But it was only for one month. You could have said him politely and become more friendly with him. I didn't expect this from you.

Venice was taken aback from the outburst of Pai. He never saw him that angry neither he called him 'Phayu' before. Now he felt guilty for what he did to Rain.

On the other side Sky changed into his wolf form and ran behind Rain. He told Rain to stop running in his mind link with Rain but Rain blocked him out from his mind. Sky's wolf 'Peat' ran faster to catch up with 'Noeul' .

When he was almost near him,he jumped at him . Then they rolled and rolled. When they stopped Peat pinned him on the ground and growled in anger .

Peat: What's wrong!!?

Noeul was crying and whimpering so much. Peat saw that and release his friend and sat beside him and started rubbing his nose on his feather to calm him down. When Noeul calmed down he said Peat everything and sniffled a little. Peat got angry at the bad attitude of the Alpha. Rain always tell him how P'Phayu has scolded him or glared at him but he didn't make it a big deal cuz it was in college and he was their senior. He thought maybe Rain behaved naive so he get scolded but now this is too much. Politely rejecting someone and saying something so harsh on someone's face is two different stories. Sky knows that the senior know how his friend feels about him but he still did that .

Peat: Noeul listen to me . YOU. WON'T. APPROACH. HIM . AGAIN. UNDERSTAND!!!

What Sky has suffered in past made him hard as rock. He don't want his innocent little friend to suffer too . He promised at any cost he'll protect him from anyone especially from that mean Alpha named P'Phayu. Peat and Sky both love Rain and Nouel like their own little brother. They won't stay silent when their loved one is hurt.

Nouel stopped crying and was just staring at the distance that make Peat's heart ache so bad. He never saw his friend in this bad situation ever. 'P'Phayu you're gonna pay for this' Peat gritted his teeth.

After a while Peat and Nouel came out of the forest and saw two figures were standing there stunned to see the two wolves. Peat saw it was P'Prapai and P'Phayu. Peat growled in a low tone at the man and went to Prapai with Nouel following him. Noeul whimpered a little seeing P'Phayu there but Peat nudged him to follow so he didn't look back anymore. Venice saw a Brown wolf telling the mesmerizing white wolf to go with him. He saw they stood in front of Prapai and he scooted down to pat the white wolf's feather. A jealousy creeps in Phayu's heart but he couldn't understand why he's feeling like this. He has his soulmate then why he's feeling that way towards Rain he don't understand everything is messing up. EVERYTHING.


Don't get angry at Venice guys . He's confused too . Let's see what our Vency say ...

We'll see Venice's pov in next chapter

Keep reading and supporting our lovelies.

See you in next chapter 😊👋💓

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