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The next week after Phayu's confession, Rain moved to Phayu's home. Though they aren't married yet, they look like newlywed couple.

Rain still didn't let the man sleep with him in the same room. Every time at night Phayu goes to Rain to ask for sleeping with him but every time he gets kicked out of Rain's room . Rain is still shy. What if their sleep time starts to become something else ughhh Rain is not ready for that yet.

In the morning Phayu would make breakfast for him and Rain ,then they eat and talk about what their present day's planning is, then Phayu would take Rain to college and after dropping him he'll either go to his bike garage or to the  office to attend some meetings.

It'll be less if we say office. Basically the best companies work under this Theerapanyakul family. They own 10 companies, 20 pubs(8 if them are casinos) and 3 racetrack too. Also they make contracts with the weapon dealings. Even in foreign countries they have ownership with other companies. Freaking rich huh(the author is jealous).


Phayu dropped Rain to his college and kissed his forehead.

Phayu: Study hard, Kitty.

Rain nodded and picked Phayu's lips then got out of the car and went to his building like a bouncy ball.

Phayu just looked at the boy lovingly . Sigh he needs to give him the chain asap or he'll get hit by others. He thought and drove off to his office. Phayu was thinking how to make Rain's chain . He has an image ready in his mind but he's not sure if he'll get what he wants. And above all how to make Rain wear that. Then he remembered he confessed but didn't ask Rain to be his boyfriend yet. Yes he'll ask and put the chain on his neck. And when the right time comes he'll give him the engagement ring and make him his fiance. Yes this is the right decision but hold on Phayu. Long way you have to go, don't think too much. One thing at a time.

He went to the office building and saw Pai was there too.

Phayu: Oh Pai you're here too.

Pai: Yeah Pa told me to attend the meeting too. I don't wannaaaaa

Pai whined and Phayu looked at him .

Phayu: You know if you behave like this....

Pai waited for him to finish his sentence but he didn't that got him frustrated.

Pai: Then what ?

Phayu: Come here I'll tell .

Pai got closer and Phayu whispered in his ear.

Phayu(whispering tone) : Sky will run away.

He then moved back and smiled at Pai. Pai smiled at him too and said

Pai: Ai asshole

Phayu: Thank you for the compliment .

They mockingly smiled at each other . That time Kinn and Porsche were passing by. Porsche rolled his eyes seeing the interaction.

Porsche: There they go again. 

Kinn: Always like that you know .

Porsche: Okay boys enough of your fooling around come to the meeting room.

Venice: Khrab Mae. Come Mr. Whiny.

Pai: Khrab Mr. Vency.

Venice: If you call me that again

Pai: I'll smack you

Pete: I'll beat you two if you don't move your ass here right now.

They silently went to sit in there seat. Damn Mama Pete's anger still scares them. They looked at one another's directon and said with eyes ' it's your fault ' ' no it's your fault' ' yours ' 'yours!!' . That time Vegas came and pulled Pai's ear and glared at Venice.

Vegas: Behave.

He said and sat beside Kinn.

The meeting table arrangement was like this- Kinn and Vegas sit right beside each other on the main podium. On Vegas's left side sits Pete and then Venice. And Kinn's right side sits Porsche then Pai. Sometimes Thankun, Kim and Macau join the meeting too. They sit after Venice and Pai. And lastly at the end of the table sits Arm and Pol right side by side. Kinn told them to sit with the family but they said it'll be a better view to see the outsiders expression so they chose a place to keep an eye on anyone who comes to have a meeting with the family. And the gap between them and the family is where sits the dealers and others.

When Pai and Venice will be the head of the family they'll sit on the chair just like their dads with their mates. It's Theerapanyakul family's rules. Always respect your mate and don't let them stay away from any of family business unless they don't want to do that.

Like as always Pai and Venice hid their face from the outsiders who came to have a meeting with them. 

Dealer 1: I was thinking how about renovating the XX bar?

Vegas: Is it necessary?

Dealer 1: Yes Khun Vegas. The bar is quite famous if we keep a little update, it'll make the bar come more people.

Kinn: I think it's a good idea. How much will it take to renovate.

Their conversation continued and after agreeing with some terms and conditions the project decided.

Kinn: Then Venice I want you to design the new style of the bar and Pai look into the financial matters.

They both said in unison: Khrab Pa.

Their meeting went pretty well and now Phayu and Pai took the mask off.

Venice: Pai I need to discuss something with you.

Pai: let's go. Mom Dad were leaving.

Porsche: uh drive safely.

Pai: Khrab Mae.

Porsche (sigh): One second they're bickering and the next second they need each other to solve their problems.

Pete: Just like this two

Vegas and Kinn looked at each other and then at Pete and said in unison: Us! when? I don't need him to handle business.

Porsche: Yeah yeah we know okay let's go I'm hungry.

They went to have their lunch. On the other hand Venice took Pai to rooftop.

Pai: Sup?

Venice: I wanna ask Rain to be my boyfriend and give him the chain. But I don't know how to do that.

Pai: Simple. Take him to a date then a candle light dinner and then propose him to be your boyfriend.

Venice: Mai. That's too fancy. I want it to be casual.

Pai: Then you can do that at home. Make a good meal. Spend time with him. Talk out and propose.

Venice liked the idea. Yes he can make it a home-comfy  proposal. That sounds cozy. He should try it.

Venice: I'll go with that.

Pai: Uh uh go ahead phuen. Susu na.(Thai meaning - keep fighting)


Guys whenever I'm writing this I always feel the urge to use some Thai words though I don't know much. But I'll keep using Thai words a little. If you face any problem to understand ask me .

Till then keep reading and supporting

Love you mwah 😘❤️

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