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Venice shaked Pai in fear his Alpha will take over him.

Venice: Pai you can't loose your sense now please hold it . We have a big fight in front of us.

Then he rushed to his room to get some suppressants for Pai to take. He knew this is not gonna work but still atleast for sometime. After Pai calmed down a little they headed towards the hidden house of Tawan.

While going Vegas said.

Vegas: Me and Venice will enter from the front door. Kinn you , Pai and Kim surround the house from every side and break into the house with bodyguards.

Everyone agreed with Vegas and Kinn instructed Arm and Pol.

Kinn: You're trying the toyshaped bombs from the outside right?

Arm nodded in agreement and Kinn said.

Kinn: Then take a eyes on everyone and blow the bombs on time. Don't mess up like before.

Pol huffed and said: Today's not Thankun with us to fight with us to blow the bomb so no worries.

Before entering the house Vegas blew a bomb to clear the entrance and entered the house with a big smirk on his face with one gun on his right hand tilted a little touching his shoulder. Venice followed closely behind his father with gun too. As soon as they entered the house the bodyguards rushed towards them. Venice and Vegas started to shoot randomly at whoever was coming and the smile on Vegas face was telling that he was enjoying the moment. When he saw there were no men coming anymore he smiled and spitted beside the dead body and shouted for Tawan.

Vegas: That's it!!! Bring me more man!!!

Venice laughed at what his father said and said to his father.

Venice: I'm going inside.

Vegas: Be careful son, I don't wanna get killed at your mom's hand.

Venice: Sure thing.

Saying this he waved at his dad and went inside the house in search of Rain and Sky.

While running out from the room Sky and Rain eventually go different ways when they have to fight with the guards who were coming on their way. Sky was slashing past the guards while Rain was punching the guards with his chain wrapped hand while with the other hand he was wrapping the chain on their necks. As they were werewolves the silver made chain was hurting them to the point they couldn't stand up to fight with them anymore. Rain had used some clothes to wrap around his hand to avoid the burning from the silver so he was going well with the silver chains.

While they were fighting with the guards Gun came to that area to get Sky away with him. That moment an angry fight took place on the spot which was Gun VS Rain and Sky. Gun was shooting at them while Sky and Rain were avoiding the bullets and shooting back too but eventually after sometime there and out of bullets and the fight started with anything and everything around them. Soon it turned into a hand fight where Gun was using the butt of the firearm while blocking and dodging the attacks from them.

Somehow Rain's chain brushes Gun's forearm and that burnt the skin there which emitted a huge ugly howl from him. His eyes started glowing in full rage at Sky like he would rip him apart. That made Sky tremble in fear a little bit Rain put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. But it was in vain as Gun turned into his wolf form and attacked them both. They tried to fight with the raging Alpha but they were in vain. No matter how powerful they were a naturally born Alpha and who was fully in rage was unstoppable for an omega. If anyone can put him down it is only a higher level Alpha than him. They can't do anything about this.

He threw Rain across the hall with just one hit of his paw. Rain couldn't stand up from the pain and started whimpering there as his side got cuts from sliding with the rough floor and then being slammed on the wall. After taking Rain down Gun started snickering at Sky. Sky took steps back in fear while Gun was advancing at him. Before he could process his next step Gun jumped and Sky and clawed right beside his gland. That made Sky faint at the spot right then and there due to panic and sudden shock of being attacked. Gun took the unconscious Sky on his back and ran towards the forest in the back of the house.

When Venice was searching for them he found Rain sitting on the floor with all bood covered and whimpering in pain. He rushed towards Rain screaming for his name in horror.

Venice: Rain!!!! What happened!!!

When he snell Rain's blood he glowed in anger.

Venice: Who did this to you. I'm gonna rip that bastard alive.

Rain wasn't thinking about himself as he was breathing heavily to calm his breath and then said to Phayu.

Rain: P'Phayu we have to go... We have to go right now... Sky ..... Sky is in danger.

Venice looked around but couldn't found Sky so he asked.

Venice: Where is he!!?

Rain: Gun took him with him... We have to follow them right now. Let's go.

Venice: But your wound....

Rain: I'm okay Phi I can go.

Venice nodded. He was proud of his baby that he was so strong even at this moment and gave his friend priority over his wound.
They ran towards the forest following Sky's scent.

On the other hand Kinn,Pai and Kim burst into the house from the other three sides of the house and was fighting with them. In all this shooting and fighting session they all meet in one point and was shooting randomly at whoever was coming from the three sides of their meetpoint. After sometime Pai said to his father.

Pai: Pa I need to find Sky.

Kinn: Go ahed . We can handle here.

Kim nodded in assurance and Pai left that place in search for his Sky. After roaming around for some time he atlast could send the vanilla pheromones of Sky but that was mixed with blood? He came near the place where Sky's smell was strong. He smelled blood with the pheromone again. That triggered his Ruts urge to feel threatened by the sudden imagination scenarios on his head. He growled in anger and didn't let his wolf Fort to hold back anymore. He took him to take over him and he shifted into his wolf form and ran towards the forest following Sky's pheromone.

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