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Vegas pointed the gun at Pete and Tawan looked at the gun when Vegas almost pulled the trigger. But all of the sudden without any shoot the gun-butt smashed on Tawan's face.

Tawan stammered back and looked at Vegas with shocked eyes.

Tawan: You...

Vegas: Do you think I'm fool of a person not to know my soon-to-be wife's little trick?

Tawan's eyes widened and he looked back at Pete who was smiling like a psycho.

Tawan: So it was all your plan you bitch. I shouldn't have waited for him to come and would have killed you first before calling him.

Tawan advanced towards Pete but Vegas blocked him.

Vegas: Where are you going?

And punched on his face. A huge fight started between Vegas and Tawan. Meanwhile the bodyguards helped Pete to get out of the chair and took him to a safe zone. Soon the fist fight turned to shooting. All Tawan's and Vegas's men were shooting and fighting at each other. At that time Tawan took the opportunity to slip out of the battlefield and went to where Pete was. When he found him with not a single word he shooted Pete ponting his stomach. But before it hit Pete Vegas blocked him and the bullet punched into his abdomen. Vegas fell groaning in pain while Pete and Tawan both rushed to him in panic.

Pete: You damned bitch.

Saying this he punched Tawan and chocked him to death. Tawan passed out with the chocking but before Pete could shoot in his head he heard Vegas's groan again so he rushed to his side and called the bodyguards. At that time they were almost done with Tawan's men so they rushed and took Vegas to hospital leaving all the mess behind.

End of flashback

Present day

Vegas: At first we thought Tawan is dead because when Kim went to search for dead body he couldn't find not a single body of any human in that place. He tried to track and saw cars parked there after sometime and took all of them and left. When leaving we saw Tawan's body was dangling so we thought he was dead. But we heard after being in 2 months chemo he came back to life and left Thailand. We were relieved to know he left but suddenly he came here back 10 years ago and started competing with us.

Stop don't know what to say anymore. At that time Pete shuttered out.

Pete: We almost lost Venice that day. But how lucky we are thanks to the moon goddess she saved him saved us.

Stop: He already did such a big mess in past. Don't you think it'll be bigger this time?

Vegas: That's why I said you won't feel sad if we kill your dad right?

Stop: At first I hated him with all my guts because of how shitty he was. But now he disgusts me. And I will kill that bastard if anyone doesn't cause he killed my mom. Maybe he didn't have feelings for her but he still didn't have the heart to not kill a person who he literally lived with almost 10 years. I'd rather wipe my hand off a shitty person like him than living in the same world with him.

Vegas: Good. So this is gonna be his ending this time for sure.

Stop: As promised.

Stop nodded and stood up. He hugged Pete who was looking pale still. He looked at Vegas worriedly who gave him a 'I got this' so he left the room giving his this mom some time to be okay from the past.

When he came out of the room he saw his friends waiting for him. He went and smiled at them. They all hugged Stop to give him comfort while Stop silently cried in their embrace.

He whispered: What I deserve to have this shitty father.

Rain: Just because he provided the sperm doesn't make him your father Stop. Just think of him as a sperm doner.

Stop nodded and cried a little. They sat with him silently until he stopped crying and said what he heard from his father. Everyone gasped in horror when they heard what that man said.

Som: Is he a human being!

Ple: He should have just born as a wolf instead of being a werewolf when he doesn't have any humanity in him. What a bastard!!

Sky: He doesn't deserve to be a father of a son like you Stop. I'm agreeing with Rain just think of him as a sperm doner.

They comforted their friend while Stop hear all his friends' talks and teared up a little. He's so lucky. To have a less friend more like a family around him. They make him feel more like home than that bastard.

He whispered to them: Thankyou na. For believing in me rather than pushing me away after knowing who my father is.

Rain: Ofcourse we have to listen. At least not all people heritage the same shits. I don't know who your mother was but I can say you took after her. And I'm so thankful to her for giving birth to such a great child like you. You're best Stop.

Everyone agreed with Rain and said : Yes Stop you're the best friend.

And their hugging session went for some more time.

Not like they're invading in between Stop's space. They're afraid maybe Stop will think he's shitty like his father too. So they're doing their best to let him know how good of a person he is.

All thanks to some people who make life more worthwhile than the people we actually want to become worthy of.  Sometimes they make us feel worthless, sometimes make us  question about leading our life.

Stop wanted to be worthy to his father but he pushed him away and all his shitty jobs made him traumatized of his own father. He's thankful to this family and his friends that made him realise what being in a family feels like and what being worthy of a family family feels like. This family and his friends are the people of his life to make him feel the worthwhile being of this world to live , to lead a life.

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