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Soon they came out of their room to have a photoshoot session.

They were looking sooo stunning in their dresses but the main thing is that all the relaxation they had was completely gone from their mind and they were preparing themselves for the fight that's gonna start soon. As soon as they noticed Petch to go into Pai's room they got ready and Sky and Rain went towards their room.

Petch's man kept an eye on them when he went to Pai's room with some others. He thought about he'll just make Sky unconscious and take him away. So he waited for the moment when Sky will be back in his room. From his past memory he heard Sky saying to his friend he forgets his things in his room often so he come back to get them. He was just hoping his habit hasn't changed in this past years. To his utter surprise he saw Sky coming towards the cottage with another boy and he heard him say

Sky: Ai Rain walk fast!!!

Rain: Don't rush me while you forget it on your own!!

Sky: Oy come on naaa I have to go back to P'Pai and take photos.

Rain: Same goes here!!

Sky: Uh then hurry up!!

He heard him whining about forgetting something. He frowned that Sky wasn't alone but then smirk at the thought that he's the same and also the other boy is omega too so it'll be easier for him. As soon as Sky and Rain entered the room immediately Petch's man grab their hand and press something on their nose to make them unconscious. They tried to scream for help but they held their mouth to resist them from screaming so they couldn't scream and slowly fall into deep slumber.

While they were making two boys unconscious Petch didn't even know he was holding his breath. When they were unconscious he released a breath of relief and laughed to himself.

Petch: See it was easy.

P-1: Boss what should we do with the other one?

Petch: Take him with us too. He'll be worthy of a good amount.

And just like that Sky and Rain were dragged towards a delivery car and pushed into it while their hands and mouth were tied up. They straight went to the airport while calling Gun that they had Sky with them. He immediately arranged a private jet for them to fly away from Goa to Bangkok and. While they reached the airport Gun looked at Sky and smirked.

Gun: Sky sky sky sssssssssss after a long time you're in my hand again.

Then he noticed Rain with Sky so he asked.

Gun: Who's that?

Petch: He was coming with Sky in the room so I couldn't leave him behind. He's Rain Prince Venice's soon-to-be wife I thought he'll give a good amount?

Gun: Good now we can have a revenge on the shithead Theerapanyakul too as both of their future members are in our hand.

They took off from there.

Gun: Sigh what a good day. Petch you did a great job.

Petch smiled wide at the compliments friend gave him. See!! He knew if he could do the job he'll be worthy again!! He proved that.

When they reached Bangkok Gun took them to the hidden house of their family. But when he reached there he saw his father was there doing something. He called out for his father.

Gun: Sir, what're you doing here?

Surprised right? Why didn't called him dad? This is how Tawan trained Gun since childhood. Never once did he let him call him "dad". Not to mention he didn't do any fatherly things with him too. Just trained him as his future puppet to get revenge. Gun brought up like a stranger in his own family where he has a father in fame but not in name. Every time he called him Dad he had to suffer massive punishment. After all this his mother didn't want to stay with his husband and gave divorce to his father and took him away with her. But Tawan snatched him away from his mother and blocked all her way to meet him.After suffering again and again for years he has just accepted his fate and became the person he is today,made by his so-called father's own hand.

Tawan: Doing some stuff.... So? What brings you here at this hour?

Gun: I... I kidnapped someone so took them here to...

Tawan: Where? who are they?

Gun looked back and motioned the bodyguards to take the two inside the house.

When Tawan saw who they were his eyes widened and glared at Gun while saying angrily.

Tawan: What the hell is this huh!!? Who the fuck told you you can kidnap THEM without telling me anything!!! Do you know the consequences of your sloppy work!!!! IDIOT

He stormed out of there and called his bodyguards.

Tawan: Hello. It's a emergency. Bring every single bodyguards to the hidden house RIGHT NOW!!!

Then he came back inside the House and said to Gun.

Tawan: Get ready. Maybe we'll...

At that moment Tawan's phone started ringing. He saw it was his head bodyguard.

Tawan: Hello?

H.B: Sir we're here under attack by the Theerapanyakuls. They're heading towards the Hidden house. I send the best bodyguards. They'll reach there before them but I can't go because...*crash*...*shatter*...*beep*...*beep*...*beep*.....

Tawan heard a big crashing sound and then the call get disconnected. He pulled his hair in fear and frustration.

Tawan: Shit shit shit God DAMNIT.

He threw his phone while yelling.

Gun was watching his father but wasn't sure if he should ask him what was happening or not but still he gathered his courage to ask.

Gun: Sir...

Tawan: Don't fuckin "Sir" me!!! It's your fault!!! Because of you my whole plan is ruined now!!! No no no I have to think fast yeah...yeah... think Tawan fucking think something!!!

That moment Tawan's bodyguards entered the house all are highly weaponed. But at the same time a big *boom* sound was heard from outside. Petch come running into the house screaming.


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