Why Is Everyone Hating On The Class?

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Miyo spent the whole weekend with this irratating cast on his arm. He badly needs to scratch. At the moment, he is sitting in Recovery Girl's office waiting patiently while the nurse saws off the cast.

It takes a painfully long ten minutes, but the cast is finally free. The first thing he does is itch his arm, then he thanks Recovery Girl for treating him. The senior heroine merely tsks at him and shoves him out the door as quickly as possible.

Miyo barely stops himself from falling on his butt, but somehow manages to stay upright. He frowns in the direction of the infirmary and adjusts his bag on his right shoulder.

It's only twenty minutes until the bell rings for the first class, so he doesn't need to hurry. He begins walking, stepping out of the way of other students, completely avoiding any teachers lurking in the halls, and sticking to the walls all the way to his destination.

But just as he turns the corner into the hallway that his classroom is in, someone comes tumbling from the opposite direction. They knock Miyo backwards, but he manages to stop both of them from falling to the floor.

The stumbling student is just slightly shorter than Miyo, with short blonde hair, and their vibrant red tie has the same symbol on their golden tie button for the Hero course that Miyo's has.

"A Class 1-B student? Or possibly an older student who's lacking in the height area? "

The person turns their head to Miyo. It's a familiar face!

"Monoma! So good to see that you got in! "

Miyo smiles softly at him, his eyes crinkling slightly at the sides. The student, Monoma, blinks confused at Miyo for a second before his eyes widen a fraction and his face cracks into a wide grin.

"Takei! It's nice to bump into you. I'm in class 1-B. What are you in? "

"I'm in class 1-A just next door. How have you been? "

Monoma rubs the back of his neck, his eyes trailing down to his shoes, seeming to be thinking.

"It hasn't been too bad. Vlad King is an intense teacher, if I'm being honest. Don't even get me started on our first heroics lesson with All Might. He had me and a few others stand back because the people who had "flashy" quirks were in training. Stupid if you ask me. "

Miyo hums.

"We had to do 'Battle Trials' in Ground Beta. Two of my classmates nearly killed each other, and all All Might did was blabber into the communication device that was connected to the four earpieces the four fighters were wearing! I had to send out two ghosts to stop the class pair of suicidal maniacs from blowing up the whole building they were in! "

Monoma's eyes are blown wide in disbelief, but just as he opens his mouth to speak, the bell rings, and the noise echoes throughout the hallway. The blonde glares up at the ceiling, but then his eyebrows rise and he turns back to Miyo.

"Ah, class... I'll see you at lunch then. I'll wait for you at your classroom door. "

Miyo nods and pats Monoma's shoulder as he passes him.

Arriving at the classroom door, Miyo can hear his classmates chattering together at the other side, but he can't get any words through his ears over the voices overlapping each other. He shakes his newly freed hand in a poor attempt to get rid of the stiffness and the pins and needles in it, and he opens the door with his right hand.

Voices go quiet and Miyo steps into the room. Everyone's eyes bore into him as he came into view. Kaminari is immediately up and out of his chair, practically flinging himself at Miyo, who stumbles while trying to catch him.

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