prologue, 1

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prologue, 1"Aw, are you growing a soft spot for me?"

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prologue, 1
"Aw, are you growing a soft spot for me?"


Both Derek and a brunette girl stared at Isaac who they could already tell was panicked. "What's wrong?" Derek asked with his arm crossed.

Isaac looked between the two before speaking up, "my dad... I think... I think he's dead." Her eyes snapped up at the boy before walking out from the shadows.

"What?" She asked.

"What did you do?" Derek asked, cutting her off.

"That's the thing... It wasn't me.."


"let's go! Line it up!" The coach shouted out at the Lacrosse players.

A girl, dressed in all black and a leather jacket sat in the stands watching the boys, mostly keeping her eyes on Isaac.

The girl tilted her head slowly as she watched the goalie race towards one of the boys in line, slamming into him. She wasn't a fan of Lacrosse but she definitely knew that he was suppose to stay near the goal.

"What the hell is he doing.."

"McCall, usually the goalie stays somewhere within the vicinity of the actual goal." The coach said to the boy.

"Sorry, Coach!"

Although the Coach had already called the boy out, he ended up doing the same thing to two other boys in line. It didn't take up much time for the girl to catch on to what the boy was doing, so she moved from the top of the bleachers and instead moved to the bottom of the bleachers to get a closer look at the goalie as Jackson was now next in line.

"McCall! You come out of that goal again and you'll be doing suicide runs until you die. You'll be the first-ever suicide run to actually end in suicide. Got it?"

"Yes, Coach!"

"Coach, my shoulder's hurting. I'm going to sit this one out."

Both Stiles and Scott glanced at each other as Jackson walked off. "Next!"

Isaac was now up, he glanced to the side at the girl before looking at Scott and immediately darting toward him. The Defender darts in with vicious slaps at Isaac's stick, but the boy spins and parries around him with ease.

Scott comes out of the goal, also darting back at him. The both of them colliding harshly. You could hear the sound of both of their plastic gear hitting up against each other as they fell to the ground.

SHOGANAI, isaac laheyWhere stories live. Discover now