too good at goodbyes, 13

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too good at goodbyes, 13

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too good at goodbyes, 13

"don't you dare get yourself killed while I'm away, Lahey. I'll be back before you know it."

STORM AND ISAAC STEPPED OUT OF THE CAR, spotting almost everyone gathered at the meeting spot. The plan was to take down the Kanima without casualties, or so everyone hoped. As they emerged from the vehicle, Storm finally got a clear view of Alison's father with Scott. There was a palpable shift in the atmosphere as their eyes met. While he didn't recognize her exactly, Storm could tell from Alison's expression that she wasn't pleased by his presence. Isaac cast a quick glance at her before they headed to the backseat, where Jackson lay.

Isaac eyed the bag cautiously. "I think he stopped moving." Their attention instantly shifted to him, a hint of worry creeping over Storm.

Chris scanned the area before asking, "Where's Derek?"

"Wouldn't you like to know," Storm muttered under her breath, arms folded. Derek arrived moments later, executing a flashy entrance with a flip. Storm couldn't help but roll her eyes at his theatrics. Derek stood before them, his gaze flickering between Storm and Chris.

"I'm here for Jackson. Not for you, or anyone else," Chris clarified, ensuring both Derek and Storm understood his intentions.

"I'm glad he clarified. Perhaps he can discern from my clenched jaw and dark eyes that I'd tear his heart out if he didn't," a voice chimed in from afar. Storm looked around, puzzled until the voice spoke again. "I mean, seriously, you've been scaring everyone away lately, Melody."

Storm scoffed quietly, recognizing the voice as Peter's. He was lurking in the shadows as usual, indicating her brother's presence nearby. It was best to keep her words to herself. She continued to ignore his loud banter.

"Somehow, I don't find that very comforting," Derek replied.

"I don't think anyone does," Storm chimed in, unable to resist. "But he who has lost his wife knows better," she added, drawing Derek's gaze. Scott nudged her, prompting Derek to break the tense silence.

"Just get him inside," Derek instructed, gesturing to Jackson.

The three of them moved Jackson into the warehouse, standing over the black bag. "Where are they?" Scott inquired.

"Who?" Derek looked up, puzzled.

"Peter and Lydia," Storm interjected, scanning between the two boys. Derek remained silent, unzipping the bag slowly. While Storm hadn't chosen sides, if forced, she'd side with Derek over Scott. Since Isaac had sided with Scott, she opted for neutrality. "Okay, hold on a second. You said you knew how to save him," Scott pressed. "We agreed to save him. You all agreed."

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