that numb feeling, 6

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that numb feeling, 6"you always do this

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that numb feeling, 6
"you always do this. elijah, you're not a damn kid anymore."

STORM PUSHED OPEN THE DOOR OF HER HOUSE, walking inside with Isaac right behind her.

"Are you kidding me, Eli? Clean this up!" She slammed the door, pointing at the trash that her younger brother left laying around the living room.

"I'll clean it up when I can." The boy sat on the couch, staring at the tv while moving his hand upwards towards the boy who shook it with ease, completely ignoring his sister.

"You always do this. Elijah, you're not a damn kid anymore." Storm slapped Issac's hand, "Stop supporting his behavior."

"All I did was shake his hand.."

"You're the one who brings their boyfriend here everyday. I just made a new friend. And it's my house, I live here too." He quickly responded before his sister kicked his feet off of the table that sat in front of the couch, obviously getting handsy with the two.

"Whether Isaac is here or not doesn't control whether you clean up after yourself." Storm walked into the kitchen, basically dragging Issac with her.

"Whatever." Was the only thing that left her brothers mouth before he made his way to his room.

"Are you two fighting, or..?" Isaac asked as he sat down.

"No, he's always been a little asshole. I'd hurt him if i could, but he's my brother, and he's only fifteen." She grabbed water for the both of them, "Do you think it's puberty?"

"Maybe.." Isaac responded with an unsure look, not wanting to get in between the siblings.

"I hope so, or I'll have to bite his head off." She gave him the glass of water, sitting beside him. "I'm already not having a good day."

"Maybe you should find someone who's over 18 to take care of him? you're not far from 18 but it would be easier on you?" Issac responded carelessly while staring into the distance.

"Really? I didn't think about that, I'll just drop him off at a grave site and tell them to look out for him while i'm gone." Storm spoke sarcastically.

Isaac quickly turned his head towards her as he cleared his throat, staying completely silent before nodding "Right.."

Storm sighed and stood up, "Sorry." She made her way out of the kitchen. As usual, the boy followed behind her.

SHOGANAI, isaac laheyWhere stories live. Discover now