cherry waves, 12

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cherry waves, 12

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cherry waves, 12

"is that what you want?"

"My friend's giving me a ride to school today", Elliot announced to his sister who'd zoned out while staring through her bedroom mirror. "Mel." He called out, not getting a response. "Melody." Storm quickly turned to look at her brother.

"What? What? Yeah?"

"I'm getting a ride to school today." The boy walked inside of her room, "Are you okay? If you want you could still take me, I could just ride with you."

"No, I'm fine. Everything's fine, El. I'll see you later then, yeah?" The boy nodded and made his way out of the room. Storm dropped the fake smile, shaking her head, trying to snap out of it. Everything was wrong, out of place. She breathed heavily and lifted her shirt, staring at the black veins that filled her chest once again. They'd appeared after the game and hadn't gone away since. Storm assumed the chest pain would go away after a few hours of torturing her, but it hadn't. It's not like she could get sick or ill. It had to be something power-bound, but it was the least of her problems at the moment. She slowly covered her chest again and grabbed her bags and keys.

She'd just ignore it. Stiles was missing, and she hadn't been in contact with Boyd or Erica since they left. She was ignoring Derek and avoiding Isaac, and for once, there was this small pain in her throat, threatening to let even the smallest whimper and cry fall. She wouldn't let it happen, though. Not now or anytime later.

The brunette stepped out of her house, a bit dazed, and onto her porch, where she quickly noticed Derek standing on the sidewalk with his car. "Go away, Derek," she said, making her way toward her own car, and turning her back on him.

"Can't avoid me forever," Derek replied, crossing his arms as he leaned against his car.

Storm almost immediately stopped in her tracks, turning to face Derek. "And why can't I?"

"Because you're my beta," Derek said, to which Storm scoffed briefly. "And my only friend," he continued, "So get in the car." Storm remained where she was. Derek soon pulled himself up and off of his car. "Or I could put it this way: 'Melody, get in the damn car or I'll drag you inside myself by your leather jacket.'"

"You got me at Melody," Storm murmured, walking over to the passenger side, where Derek opened the door for her, allowing her to get in.

. . .

"But how come you get his shirt and I get his shoe?" Isaac asked, being interrupted by Scott. He turned his head towards the lockers where Storm and Derek stood near, immediately putting up his guard. It didn't seem as if he needed to, though, considering Storm had on sunglasses and leaned against the lockers, very obviously exhausted and drained. It was just Derek alone.

SHOGANAI, isaac laheyWhere stories live. Discover now