interlude, 14

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interlude, 14

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interlude, 14

"sure, but don't speak as if she's already dead. she's one of the bravest people I know."

        WHEN YOU'RE A WEREWOLF, YOU CAN REALLY GO ANYWHERE. And that's what she did, she went anywhere but Beacon Hills. She was now sitting in New Orleans in a rented dorm, owned by a relative she wasn't sure was even alive until they met eyes a month ago. Julianna stepped into the dorm room, closing the door behind her. "This is the earliest you've ever been up." She looked at her with a small smile.

Storm lifted a paper, showing her a letter she was writing, "Just writing a letter."

"To who? You've been here for three months, this is the first time you've ever talked about talking to anyone but your brother. And it was always over the phone." The dark-haired girl sat in front of her on the bed, eyeing the girl who sat there silently writing for another second.

"Well, I'm not sure if I'm going to send it. I'm just writing it, just in case. I hadn't spoken to him in three months and I assured him I'd come back. But what if I don't? Or what if he's already dead and I go back to nothing other than Derek and my brother." She ranted on, her voice getting silent as she thought about it. Suddenly she stopped writing and looked up at the girl who was practically glaring at her, "What?"

"You're talking about that Issac guy, right?" She asked, getting a nod. "Okay, word of advice, stop thinking of the worst and hope for the best. He said he'd wait for you, plus what makes you think he's dead? Eli told you that he'd been trying to get in contact with you, two months ago."

"That's the thing. It's been two months, he's clingy." She responded. Julianna laughed and shook her head, "I don't know, I just— I already have two missing friends, I don't need—"

Julianna cut her off, "A missing boyfriend either?"

"A missing friend." She corrected her before continuing to write.

"Right, of course. Whatever your pretty little head tells you." Julianna stood from her bed and walked over to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

A friend? She could already see Isaac giving her a sideways glance just as the words fell from her mouth. They didn't make anything official before she left, but he was waiting for her patiently to get back. Every time she thought of it, she thought of a puppy dog, sitting in the same exact spot she left him for the next three months. A small smile crept onto her face at just the thought, she missed him, his voice, the loud finger-tapping sound he'd make when he was bored, and the missing sweets from her room that he'd obviously eaten and neatly put back. 

SHOGANAI, isaac laheyWhere stories live. Discover now