dr. deaton, s/ep

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dr. deaton, short episode

"Couldn't you feel it, Scott? She's dying."


         Storm stepped through the door of the animal clinic, scanning the room quietly. She wasn't entirely sure why she was there—well, she did, but she couldn't understand why she'd actually follow through with the plan she'd hastily concocted after telling Isaac she was leaving. She didn't know much about the man, Dr. Deaton, but she had a gut feeling he could help.

"I knew I smelled an unfamiliar dog close by," Dr. Deaton remarked in his soothing tone as he approached from behind the desk. "I thought you'd be gone by now."

Storm went to nod before pausing, eyeing the man. His words struck her as odd; she hadn't confided her departure plans to anyone but Derek, her brother, and Isaac. "How did you know I was leaving?"

"I know a lot about you, remember? I also know what you're doing next and where you're planning to go."

"You couldn't—"

"You're looking for Julianna Laurent."

She looked at him with surprise before quipping, "Well done, you've made yourself my personal stalker."

Dr. Deaton chuckled calmly. "I can help you."

"How? I don't even know if she's alive. I'm just looking for the closest family member."

"Well, you came here for my help, didn't you? Or else you would've left without any questions." Just then, Scott emerged from the back of the clinic.

Storm scoffed at the sight of him. "I should've known you were lurking."

"Don't let me stop you from doing what you're doing," Scott replied.

"And why shouldn't I?" Storm challenged.

"Because I don't have anything against you, Storm. I'm not Derek; I'm not going to hunt you down and prey on you for making a mistake." Storm crossed her arms and turned to Dr. Deaton. "You always have a choice. You're no different from Isaac. I can help you if you let me."

"No, Scott, I'm nothing like him. Isaac needs a shoulder to lean on; he's been through a lot. I have Derek."

"How much longer do you think you'll have him? Derek's playing a dangerous game, and you trying to help him win is going to get you and your brother killed." Scott approached them. "And you know that which is why you keep hiding your brother away from him." Storm stood in silence, unable to refute his words. She knew he was right, but admitting it would mean letting him win, and she couldn't allow that.

"I'm not allying with the boyfriend of a hunter," Storm finally spoke up, cutting off Scott's attempts to explain himself. "She tried to kill us back there. And she would've if her grandfather hadn't intervened. She tried to kill us, and her auntie already did. Of course, I'd feel a certain way about that, and no, I won't let it go and give her the benefit of the doubt. As long as me and El are parentless, she'll never have an easy life with me around, Scott. So get used to it."

The silence grew louder as the three exchanged looks. Dr. Deaton honestly didn't know what to say in response to Storm's words directed at Scott. Hell, Scott didn't even know what to say. The hardest part of it all was that Storm wasn't bluffing; her determination was palpable.

"Look, Scott, all I'm saying is if a defenseless and innocent werewolf dies at the hands of an Argent again, let alone her, you'll have to find a new prom date." Storm's words hung heavy in the air, punctuating the tense atmosphere with a stark reminder of the consequences of their actions. "But I have a feeling she won't be laying a hand on another one anytime soon, will she? So consider her safe." Scott breathed out heavily, "And I'm not here for you, I'm here for Dr. Deaton. In and out."

"Right, well..." Dr. Deaton reached for some papers on the desk, ready to provide Storm with the most recent location of Julianna. "She's a college student, and she's alive." Storm took the papers, scanning through them. "I hope you plan on coming back though, even with this information," Dr. Deaton added.

"I'll know when I get there," Storm replied, looking up at the two men. Scott glanced at her, obviously wanting to say more but holding back as a way to show that he wasn't interfering. "Okay, I get it, you have an opinion, Scott. Speak," Storm prompted as she continued to read the papers.

"I know you want to leave," Scott began.


"But you shouldn't stay gone for too long or forever, for that matter. Isaac needs you. Derek isn't going to be much help."

"He has you."

"What?" Scott looked surprised.

Storm finally looked up from the papers. "You're right. When it comes to Derek and Isaac, Isaac shouldn't be in Derek's care. He should be with you." She paused, considering her words. "That doesn't mean I'm planning on leaving him to fend for himself. I won't be gone for long. Isaac's a sensitive person. If I left, he'd cry to me over the phone about how horrible I am," she teased lightly. "Plus, I promised him."

Scott gazed deeply into Storm's eyes, sensing the genuine care she had for Isaac. Despite her tough exterior, she showed a remarkable level of concern for him. It was unexpected for a werewolf like Storm to display such care for someone, but it was evident in her eyes that she wasn't leaving because of Scott or anyone else.

She couldn't bear to leave Isaac.

"Thanks, Dr. Deaton. I'll be on my way then," Storm replied gratefully.

"Right, of course, but before you go," Deaton interjected, handing her a bottle containing a sort of herb. "Don't let yourself get weak without asking for help. It's suicidal. Take these every day for a month, and you should feel fine. And your veins will be healthier than before."

"You really are stalking me?" Storm quipped lightly as she accepted the bottle. Deaton nodded before Storm turned and made her way out of the door.

"What was that about?" Scott inquired, curious.

"Couldn't you feel it, Scott? She's dying," Deaton replied solemnly. "I just slowed the process, until she comes back."

authors notes:

interesting turn of events!!

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