the return of the storm, 15

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the return of the storm, 15act 02

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the return of the storm, 15
act 02. chaos is coming again

"are you really that unhappy about me returning? should I have stayed in New Orleans?"

"MEL!" A VOICE SHOUTED FROM AFAR. THE GIRL GROANED AND COVERED HER HEAD, only to feel the pillow being pulled away from her grip almost immediately. "Get up, we have to take El to school! And It's our first day!" The blonde shouted to the girl excitedly.

For a split second, Storm opened her eyes, checking to ensure it wasn't Erica shouting at her with the same tone she'd use when excited about something. Just for a moment, she needed to confirm it wasn't all a dream and her best friend wasn't truly missing. But as she focused on Serena's face, she closed her eyes again. "I'll get up later."

"Oh, come on. If I don't wake you up now, Julianna's going to do it later. And she won't be as nice as I'm being right now," Serena lectured her.

"Why did we invite her to be the 'parent' of the house again?" Storm grumbled.

"Because without one, we'd all end up dead," Colton replied calmly, entering the room. "And she's the oldest... and probably the most mature."

"We have Derek," Storm protested.

"Yet I haven't seen you talk to him since you stepped foot in Beacon Hills. And I wouldn't call Derek Hale 'mature'," Serena retorted. "Now come on." She extended her hand to Storm, who eventually, but hesitantly, grabbed it. With a loud, exaggerated groan, Storm allowed the blonde to pull her up.

"We have 45 minutes," Serena declared, pointing at Storm before striding out of the room. Colton folded his arms, flashing her a sly smile.

Storm met his gaze with tired, agitated eyes. "Shut up," she muttered, feeling the weight of the impending task ahead. Colton raised his hands in surrender and left the room quietly, leaving Storm to prepare herself.

Taking a moment to assess her appearance in the mirror, Storm scrutinized every inch of her outfit. The short skirt matched her style, but she wasn't sure if it was the look she wanted to go for. "Whatever," she muttered, grabbing her bag before heading downstairs.

In the living room, Colton, Kyle, and Matthew were seated on the couch, engaged in their usual banter and antics. "Eli! Your bag," Julianna called after Elijah, who emerged from the kitchen with a water bottle.

"I got it," he responded casually.

"Okay, good, now get out. Go to school!" Julianna exclaimed with a grin, which quickly faded into a frown. "Seriously, get out." Storm looked at the girl and rolled her eyes before grinning.

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