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"Oh sure," you said smiling.

Then Tighnari grabbed you by the waist and pulled you in closer towards him.

"The favor is to keep silent about this." He said while smirking.

"Huh?-" you said shocked, you looked like a tomato at this point.

Tighnari cupped your face and kissed you on the lips. You felt like you were melting under his touch.

"Shhh.." he said putting a finger to your mouth and pinning you to the bed.

"Tighnari!" You said while gasping.

"Can't help it?" He shrugged while taking his shirt off.

After an hour of you know what (sorry I'm not writing that..)

"Tighnari, do you love me?" You asked looking at him.

"Yes, ever since I saw you, I felt comfortable and nervous around you." He said turning towards you.

"Wow.." you said, thinking to what Lula said earlier about him maybe having feelings for you.

"I think we should clean up and start studying plants nearby." He said getting up and putting his shirt back on.

"Alright." You said while doing the same.

After you and Tighnari both take showers and clean up, you pack up your belongings and go outside to venture the plants surrounding the house.

"Look at this one, it has green spots and a purple stem!" Tighnari said picking it up and inspecting it.

"I don't think it is a good idea picking up random plants you find out of the blue.." you said concerned.

"I told you, I'm an expert in these kind of stuff, it seems to be poisonous when you only inject it, therefore, it is harmless." Tighnari said placing it back down on the ground.

"Hm," you said humming.

You and Tighnari explore for a little bit more before you encounter Collei and her group of Trainees.

"Oh hello!" Collei said waving.

"Y/n! I thought you were coming with us!" Said Lula looking confused.

"Sorry, I was working on something kind of important." You said shrugging.

"Oh, in that case that's fine.
Anyways, look what I found!" Lula said taking out a smooth looking rock.

"..It's a rock?" You asked inspecting it, then looking back up at Lula.

"Well, it's not any kind of normal / boring rock you see every day!" Lula said putting it back in her backpack.

"It's a wishing rock!" Said Lula proudly.

"Yeah, ok." You said not believing a single word coming out of her mouth, you were really tired since well, you know.

"Okay everyone, time to head back." Collei said sighing, she looked like she didn't want to be here, I don't blame her.

Everyone looked happy to go back, I was even happy to go back since I'm hella tired.

"We should all tell scary stories while roasting marshmallows!" Suggested Lula.

"But we aren't going to be outside? We are going to be inside, isn't it going to rain in a bit?" You asked.

"Yes, unfortunately it will be raining, but we can tell scary stories!!" Said Collei jumping up and down excitedly.

"Alright, calm down." Said Tighnari leading the way back to the house.

When everyone got back to the house we all sat in a circle (again) and went around the circle telling our share of scary stories. When everyone was finished it was around night time, so everyone went into their sleeping bags and went to bed, but you couldn't sleep, you kept thinking of what happened this morning with you and Tighnari. You thought, "Would Tighnari mind if I slept in the same bed as him tonight?" So you just said "Fuck it" and went upstairs and opened Tighnaris door slightly to see him snuggled up in his blanket. You went inside and closed the door behind you, then you slowly went inside the covers and wrapped your arms around him, he felt so warm and cozy, you petted his tail to see his ears perk up, but not one of his eyes opened, maybe he likes it? So you just kept petting his tail until you fell into a deep slumber.

Sorry this took me awhile to write! I've been caught up in school and video games, so I tent to forget about my fan fictions on here. I hope you all are doing wonderful!
Also, thank you guys for 130 views! This is my most viewed fanfic and I'm very happy! I hope y'all know that this means a lot to me, also can everyone give me feedback if you like it or not? That would be very helpful, thank you all! Have a great day / night!! <3

&quot;Falling blossoms&quot; Tighnari x readerWhere stories live. Discover now