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You run for about a minute to find your old cabin where you stayed, you see that everything is still in there, some clothes your bed is still messy.
You could see this all from a window, and you remembered that you always left your key under your doormat, you crouched down and lifted the key from under the mat and opened the cabin.

It was VERY cold in there, you see that again, everything was still there, except your cat, which you probably think ran off or someone else took her. You missed Cocoa, you have had her since you were little, and you sadly had to abandon her while running away.

The cabin is pretty big, big enough to fit a whole family. You remembered cooking homemade meals for yourself, you were kind of glad you were back.

You heard a knock at your door.

"Y/n! I heard you were back and the rumors are true!" The tall man laughed.

"Childe!" You smiled, then ran up to hug him.

Childe has always been there for you, you and him had a bond like siblings.

"We better head up to the hideout, or scaramouche will think you didn't come." He said.

"Wait so that dream was real? And how do you know about it?" You asked.

"I kind of took part in the dream." He sighed.

"Okay then." You said.

You and Childe went up to the hideout, you still remembered the password and everything else, you were actually glad to be back.

You thought.

You were greeted by one of the personal servants of the fatui.

"Hello ma'am, welcome back." The servant said, bowing down in awe.

"Thank you." You nodded.

"Where are we headed?" You asked Childe.

"I'm pretty sure the dining room." He said, grabbing onto your arm and walking into another room.

The fatui hideout is a secret place not many know about, it's only for the stronger people in the space we are in.
It's sort of like an underground castle, with many bedrooms and long halls that can take hours if you just want to go on a walk.

You and Childe reach the dining room to see only Scaramouche and Signora sitting there. They both looked deep in thought.

"We are here." Said Childe.

Scaramouche and Signora both looked up at the same time, Scaramouche then had a smile on his face.

"Welcome back." Said Signora, "I thought you wouldn't come."

"Sit down." Scaramouche ordered.

You took a seat right next to Scaramouche.

"Y/n. You are being promoted to a Harbinger. Tsarista wanted another one so, here we are." Signora said, handing you a pin.

The pin was a shiny golden butterfly, how did they know it is your favorite bug?

"This is very nice, thank you." You said.

You then took the pin out of the little plastic bag and then you put the pin on the outside of your inner coat.

"I'm happy to work with you more in the future." Said Signora.

Then everyone got dismissed, a servant showed the way to your new room.

You have never used the old room that the fatui provided for you, since you have a cabin, but this one was different.

It reminded you of your cabin since it was nice and warm, there was a fireplace, nice decorations and more.

There was even tea set out for you.

"Ring the bell if you need of any assistance." The servant said, closing the door behind him.

"Wow." You said, in awe as you look at the room, "I like this place."

You sit down on the big queen sized bed, you still can't believe you abandoned the people in sumeru. But duty calls.

You heard a knock on your door.

"Come in." You said, nervous to think who it was.

You see Scaramouche walk in.

"Welcome back." He smirked.

"Mhm." You said, trying to hide the fact that you were scared of what would come next.

Scaramouche sat down on your bed, right next to you.

"Isn't this all you have ever wanted?" He asked, turning his head in your direction.

"Yes, it is." You spat out.

"That's good." He said, looking up at the shining crystal chandelier.

"Where were you anyway?" He asked.

"I was training to be a forest ranger in Sumeru." You said, sweating a little.

"Lame, is that what you wanted instead of being apart of the fatui?" Scaramouche asked, with a stern look on his face, "You could have done better."

"Sorry, I was just going through something. I promise I won't do it again." You said, smiling a little, trying to change the subject.

"Hm." Scaramouche hummed, "We have Harbinger duty in the morning, get dressed and make sure to doll yourself up. You wouldn't want to make a fool out of yourself in front of the tsarista would you?"

"Yessir." You chimed in.

Scaramouche got up and took one last look at you before closing the antique door behind him.

You lay down into your comfortable bed, and then sighed, got up again and went over to your closet.

The closet was huge! It was like somebody's room.
The drawers had a bunch of different colored pairs of silk pajamas, all in your size. And your own Harbinger outfit, it was very nice and looked comfortable, it was a black crop top with sleeves that looked to keep you warm, it had a light blue scarf and shorts with tights underneath, it had some sort of a swirly butterfly pattern, again, how did they know?

You saw that there was a little makeup area in the corner of your closet, it had a mirror and everything, it is all you had ever wanted. He was right.

You closed the closet door and flopped on your bed, you started drifting off into a deep sleep.

"Falling blossoms" Tighnari x readerWhere stories live. Discover now