A kiss

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The frequent trips to Mason's house while his parents were away continued as Mason happily ticked off the dates that passed on the calendar, eager for his parents to return so he could be relieved of his duties.

"It's quite late, I'll drop you off ."

"Just a sec. I got something for you." She said and went to her bag, she returned with a small box. "Open it."

He obliged

"Took you long enough to get it." He replied as he wore his newly acquired ring.

"Not even a thank you?"

He sighed and she giggled


"I'm not sure it's of any use now Dalton." She shrugged and went to grab her bag but Mason was quick to spear her to the floor before attacking her with tickles.

"You better accept it now."

"Mason stop!!!"

She yelled in between tears

"That's not what I want to hear."

"You're welcome." She managed and Mason stopped, he held out a hand for her to sit up while maintaining eye contact.

"I'll have to use the whole of this evening to think of a suitable punishment for you."

"That's a waste of time, you deserved it." He continued

"Says the baboon."

He let go of her hand and she fell down, she retaliated by sweeping her feet on the floor bringing Mason to the floor with her.

"I didn't sign up for fighting."

She rolled her eyes but Mason tugged at her shirt.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm not sure I know." He said absentmindedly.

She shook her head and stood up before helping him to his feet. They were a bit too close when they stood straight and without thinking Mason leaned in for a kiss which took Ivory by surprise but after a few seconds she returned the gesture and wrapped her arms around his neck while his hands remained on her hips.

They stopped for air when they heard footsteps, supposedly Eds.

"I'm in my room if you need me."

"I'm taking Ivory home, you think you can stay alone for a bit?"

"Like I haven't been doing that for the past few days when you do just that."

"Good night Ivory." Ed smiled

"Yeah, Good night Ed."

Ed left them to their privacy and Ivory was sure he noticed their swollen lips.

"Let's go." He called out and went to get his car keys.

The drive was quiet with thoughts running through their heads, they were best friends how could this happen?

Despite their thoughts, they didn't want their friendship to end.

Ivory gripped get bag tightly when the engine died and cleared her throat.

"Whatever happened was a mistake, right?"

Mason was silent, he took a liking to her but didn't want it to be one sided or ruin their friendship.

"I was only messing with you." He answered quietly.

"That's some shitty way to mess around with someone." She replied angrily not liking his answer one bit.

"I noticed a bit too late." Was all he could say. If it were up to him he'd kiss her again right there in the car.

"That shouldn't happen again."

He nodded in agreement and she reached for the door handle.

"Are we good?" He referred to their friendship to which she cracked up a little smile.

"We're still best of friends."

"Have a good night then."

"You too."

She said, got out and walked to the door without looking back.

"Hey Ivory." She turned to her mum

"Hi mum. You're all dressed up?"

"I had to visit someone." She replied while picking at her black belted jumpsuit "How are the boys?"

"All good." She avoided eye contact with Gold "Where's dad?"

"He decided to sleep early. I guess it must have been a really busy day at the office." Ivory nodded in response

"Have you had dinner?"

"Yes. Thankfully, Mason wasn't too lazy to make us cheese pasta."

Gold shook her head

"That must have been good. He always boasts of his cooking skills."

"I'll just freshen up and hit the bed."

"Alright, good night."

Ivory bade her mum good night with a hug then went straight to her room. After a quick shower, she went to her bed but couldn't sleep.

Why am I so bothered, it's not like it's the first time

When they were younger, five years back, Mason kissed Ivory for the first time. He was practicing how to kiss girls then.

It happened only once and despite the little feelings she had for him then, they both knew their friendship was all that mattered but now this happened.

He was just messing around

She told herself repeatedly

He feels nothing for you

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