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~October 19: Werewolf~
🚧Death of a bunny🚧


You married the man your father picked for you without a fuse. And life was pretty good since then. He built you a nice house off in the countryside and caters to your every whim. The only thing he asks of you is to have his coffee ready when he wakes and on every night that's a full moon you lock yourself in the basement and don't come out until evening the next day. 

But after a year of this routine you began to get curious, why must you do this? Whenever you ask your husband he changes the subject. Soon one night, laying in the bed in the basement you stood. Putting on your robe and slippers you climbed up the steps and unlocked the door.

Your husband was nowhere in the house and it made you worry. Stepping outside the cold night air made you shiver, but the full moon gave you enough light to see around the yard "Hizashi!? Hello!?" His car was in the driveway so she couldn't have left. You stepped off the porch and began walking out back to the front of the woods "Hizashi!? You're scaring me with this bullshit!"

Bushes ruffling making you jump and yelp, almost tripping as you backed up against a tree. A little white bunny hopped out the bush, twitching its nose at you as you began to laugh. You felt silly, scared by a little bunny all cuz its dark out-

Blood slattered your leg as a large yellow wolf jumped the bunny, ripping it apart. You screamed making the wolf look at you. Dropping the bunny it began prowling towards you, screaming your husband's name you stood against the tree frozen in fear. Until it stood on its back legs and licked your face, you looked it in those familiar green eyes "H-Hizashi?" 

The wolf grabbed the back of your robe, like a mother dog carrying its pup all the way till it dropped you on the porch "Basement." It was half bark half yell that made you crawl back into the house and lock the door as the wolf howled in the distance. You cleaned your leg and went back to the basement but sleep didn't find you that night.

When you entered the house the next evening you found your husband. He was freshly showered, with new clothes, setting lunch on the table "Morning love." You sat "Dont. I wanna talk about last night, no changing the subject." He sighed as he sat. He explained everything to you. He was cursed to become a wolf on every full moon night and he looked into getting it fixed but almost every way could end in a painful death. You stood without a word and began walking to the door, quickly he grabbed your arm "Where are you going!?" 

"To my mothers, I'm sorry Hizashi but this is too much. You become a monster every full moon! I have to hide away for my own safety! What if we have kids!? Do they have to live in fear!? Will they become that way too!? I- I just can't!"

He picked you up off the floor making it so you couldn't move "You can't leave me! I haven't felt normal my whole life! But with you, with you, I can almost forget it all! In your arms, in your heart I'm free from this! Please! Please don't leave me!!"


(575 Words)

That picture 🤤

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