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~October 31: Cult Leader~
🚧Forced Marriage, Kidnapping, Lobotomy, Cult/Twisted Religion, Fear, Needles🚧
~𝕳𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖞 𝕳𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖓~


A twig snapped you in the face causing a cut that began to bleed down your cheek but that didn't stop your frantic running. The sharp pebbles and broken sticks digging into your bare feet nor the dirt burning those open wounds stopped you. Not the burning of your lungs or the fact you can feel your heart beating against your chest stopped you. Adrinellen and fear pushed you forward.

You could see their torches threw your tear-blurred eyes, and hear them calling out to you over your frantic sharp breath. You knew there was a road just behind the thick canopy of trees, you just needed to make it to the road and you'd get away. You'd be free.

But it wasn't to be as you were jerked back by the force of a hand grabbing your tricep "I got 'er!" Another man came over and grabbed your other arm, the two began dragging you back to the town in the clearing no matter how hard you shoved your feet into the ground or screamed. You saw the headlights! You had almost made it! You couldn't help but let the pitiful tears escape your eyes. 

"I can't believe you're helping him, dad." He said nothing back, just kept looking forward as he pulled you along.


Dragged through the town and right into 'The Church' as the people you once considered your friends hell your family all watched and whispered. Once inside you were tied down to a chair "What!? You want me to repent!? Get rebaptized in his name!? Well you can fucking forget it! This shit is a scam and he's a fraud! He's no divine being! He's a crazy-" 

You were slapped so hard your head reeled to the side "Dont speak of The Grand One in such a way! You were lucky to be chosen out of everyone here and this is how you thank him!?" The doors up front opened and suddenly everyone bowed. Hizashi, or as he makes his people call him 'The Grand One' walked in wearing that fucking smile "I came as soon as I heard she was brought back. Who was it that got her?" 

Your father stood "Me oh grand one, just as you prophesied she took to the woods trying to make it to the outside world. She almost did but I got her in time." Hizashi smiled, grabbing the man's shoulder "Your wife was already to be rewarded for being the one to birth my bride but now I shall make sure your whole family is rewarded. You are dismissed." 

He left as Hizashi turned to you, he cupped your face giving it a quick once over "Tsk. And who did this to her?" The other man who dragged you stood "Mostly herself grand one but I slapped her, she was mouthing off-" He was stopped dead in his speech by a slap so hard it sent him stumbling back and to the ground "Did I give you permission to harm my bride to be!?" 

"N-No grand one-" He stepped on the man's chest "No I didn't. And yet you thought you had the right to filthy her skin with your anger? You could have been rewarded but now, you shall be punished." He was dragged off by two other members as Hizashi looked over every injury you gave yourself while breaking out of your home and running away threw the woods "You poor thing-"

"Dont pity me you bastard! Im gonna get out of here and tell the police what you've done. They'll come and bring you to justice." He frowned, shaking his head "The outside world has brought evil into my town, its knowledge has tainted your mind. I knew letting that lost hiker come in and get out of the rain would bring evil into our paradise." He stood and turned to the two women who were cleaning up before you were brought in "Sisters, please put her to sleep and then clean her up. Make sure shes bandaged up properly as well, I don't want her getting an infection."

"No! Get the fuck away from me!" You thrashed about in the chair as the woman grabbed you, shoving a needle into your vein. Not two minutes later you were fading out of conciseness. 


"Oh! Would you look at that? Our sleeping beauty is awake." It took a moment but you soon realized you were bound and gagged on a table at the head of the church, and the whole town was there and apparently listening to Hizashi preach. You tried to struggle free but your body felt so heavy it was no use. 

"Now where was I- Oh right! Since my bride-to-be is having trouble settling into her new role I'm going to give her some help." You began to panic as an ice-pick-looking thing was placed beside your eyes.


Hizashi wiped a bit of drool from your mouth "You'll mess up your pretty dress like that love, sit up straight." "Mmm."


(920 Words)

Was gonna take a little writing break because of how I'm feeling but I cant fucking sleep so maybe writing will help with that 

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