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~October 27: ShapeShifter~


Your husband walked into the kitchen with a smile taking his normal seat at the table "How was your day dear?" You said nothing as you dropped his plate before him, sitting at the opposite side of the table with your own. He didn't touch his food though, you cursed, did he know wat you did to it? He watched you eat with that fucking smile still plastered across his face.

"I was thinking, we should go out tomorrow night, you know to celebrate our anniversary. What do you think?"

You felt your eye twitch, slamming our fork down you stood "It's not our anniversary! It's me and Shota's anniversary!" He stood with you, trying to reach out for you "I am Sho-" "No! You may look like him, sound like him, hell you smell like him! But your not him, you can't trick me! You may have those others fooled but I know my Shota and you ain't him!"

He frowned, finally taking that stupid smile off your husband's face "Why aren't you happy?" The question caught you off guard, it made you back up as he began walking forward tears streaming down his face "I did everything to be exactly like your lover! Please kiss me as you do him! Hug me like you want to hug him! Do it to me! Me! ME!!"


(230 Words)

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