Jamil-YANDERE Alphabet

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You guys, I saw this pic while scrolling through Pinterest- I can't-

Admire: What do they admire about you? Have they ever told you about it.

Jamil thinks your just like him. Trapped in a cage and forced to do as told. He loves the way you never give up and keep trying, like during his overblot. You saved him.

Beauty: How far are they willing to change their appearance and behavior for you?

He's not changing. He believes that you love him for who he is... you just need a little push.

Creativity: How creative do they get to get your attention? At what point do they stop?

He doesn't need to do anything. It's either your attention is on him by will, or force. It doesn't matter.

Dispose: Are the willing to kill for you?

He won't kill for you, that's be odd if students started dying at the college, wouldn't it?

Excitement: What gets them excited? Does it show?

Whenever you want to hang out with him, it means he gets a free pass at being away from Kalim and he gets to be with you!

Furtive: Do they feel guilty for stalking you? Are they afraid to get caught?

He has no guilt, he is slightly scared at being caught though, he doesn't want you to question why he's right outside ramshackle... that'd be awkward...

Gullible: How easy is it to convince them about something?

It's surprisingly easy, you just have to be in some sort of physical affection or very close, but if he suspects you, you have to change the topic.

Health: Is your health their main priority? How do they keep you healthy?

Once your in his custody he'll feed you, bath you, brush your hair, whatever you want. Just one condition, you can't leave.

Imagination: How often do they day dream about you? To what?

He doesn't need to daydream about you, your always in his room waiting for him when the school days over.

Jokes: What would they do to make you happy/laugh? Would they make fools of themselves?

He wouldn't try to make you laugh but he might slip up and make you laugh, after that he LOVES your laugh and thinks it's so cute.

Kindness: Are they kind to people you care for? Do they stop at a certain point?

If he's your boyfriend before he's a yandere then yes, he will be kind to your folks but that trip was unfortunately a one time deal.

Lenient: Are they lenient to you when you try to escape or become rebellious?

If you ever try to escape and he finds out two things will be in order: 1. You must apologize 2. Your going to be hypnotized for a couple days before he can trust you won't try again

Meticulous: Are they meticulous? How do they show it?
(Meticulous = Showing close attention to detail, or being observant)

Bro- He's observant, once he enters "your" room he looks all around to see if anything is out of place or gone. If he finds nothing you get a kiss atop the head.

Nervous: Did they ever become nervous around/with you? Do they overcome it?

He's not exactly nervous, just mad that you spent so much time with Kalim, he had nothing to overcome since Kalim is Kalim and won't make any moves on you.

Optimistic: For how long do they feel confident about their future with you? What would break their hopefulness?

He believes that once he gets his freedom from Kalim he will have a family with you, the only thing that could break that is a broken darling. The dead look in your eyes would crush him.

Pessimistic: Do they ever become pessimistic after meeting you?

The only time that would happen is if you tried to escape, "Trying to run again, darling?" Once you hear those words you know your screwed.

Quiet: Would they stay silent about the obsession?

He wouldn't tell anyone, it's not like they would notice either way.

Resistant: How do they react to a resisting darling?

If your still resisting his unique magic with come into play and suddenly your in love! A happy ending for both, yes?

Spite: What brings them to become spiteful? How do they handle it?

He wouldn't ever try to be spiteful towards you, he wants the best for you and him, so no matter what you do he'll just make you forget about it. Don't you love him back?

Time: How much time do they spend with you?

He studies with you, sleeps with you, even bathed with you!

Ubiquitous: How do they make sure they're always with you? How do you know they're there/near?

His footsteps are always audible to alert you that he's coming, he enjoys seeing you flinch as he opens the door and walks in.

Virtue: What are some good qualities they still possess?

He's love it if you wanted to learn about his hobbies, like dancing or basketball, and if you even want to learn them

Worship: Do they worship you? To what extent?

He worships you by giving you gifts, even if you don't want them. You deserve them for being a good little s/o.

Xanadu: What would be their perfect place to live with you?

Somewhere far away, away from everyone else and just the two of you, and maybe even a baby? The baby doesn't have to be related to either of you, but you would make a great parent!

Yummy: Do the let you eat what ever you like ?

He lets you eat what you want, but if you keep asking for sugar he won't have that. He'll make sure you balance out your meals.

Zany: What is the most odd thing that you have seen them do?

Try to hypnotize you while you were talking in a hallway (before he "kidnapped" you) he was mid way into saying the "snake-" then you went, "Uhh- Jamil? Why were you doing that?"

He didn't answer.
Everything just turned black.