Riddle-YANDERE Alphabet

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Admire: What do they admire about you? Have they ever told you about it.

Riddle mostly admires your bravery to stand up to him, your confident but also shy nature it alluring to him,
"I admire your bravery, Prefect, standing up to me during my overblot was very courageousness."

Beauty: How far are they willing to change their appearance and behavior for you?

He won't change his appearance for two reasons, 1. He's scared he might look bad (both ways).  2. He's terrified of returning to his mother and her going *disappointed stare*

Creativity: How creative do they get to get your attention? At what point do they stop?

He doesn't need to grab your attention drastically because you should know better than to ignore him and/or leave him for someone else

Dispose: Are the willing to kill for you?

He wouldn't ever hurt anyone, unless they get a little to close, if it did happen though... "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!"

Excitement: What gets them excited? Does it show?

Bring him a homemade tart and have a tea party with him he'll be so exited and happy- honestly this is the most wholesome part

Furtive: Do they feel guilty for stalking you? Are they afraid to get caught?

He doesn't stalk you. He doesn't have the time nor want to do something like that.

Gullible: How easy is it to convince them about something?

He's too smart for something like that, maybe if he's tired and your cuddling him it's easier but still difficult.

Health: Is your health their main priority? How do they keep you healthy?

He'll keep you healthy by letting you eat meals with him, making sure that you have good food, and sometimes sending Trey over with a treat.

Imagination: How often do they day dream about you? To what?

Once he's dreamt of you having some... fun... with him...
(It happens ok-)

Jokes: What would they do to make you happy/laugh? Would they make fools of themselves?

During one of your tea parties is when he usually tries to make a joke, or make you smile. I feel like one of his jokes would suck and he would be embarrassed about it

Kindness: Are they kind to people you care for? Do they stop at a certain point?

When meeting your family he would be polite and respectful but after he takes you he won't have a need to see them again, neither will you!

Lenient: Are they lenient to you when you try to escape or become rebellious?

Trying to escape would get you a punishment, I'll leave the punishment to your imagination

Meticulous: Are they meticulous? How do they show it?
(Meticulous = Showing close attention to detail, or being observant)

He is very observant of your moods, the slightest change will be questioned

Nervous: Did they ever become nervous around/with you? Do they overcome it?

If you get close or compliment him he'll become flustered and shy, I can see him overcoming it after some time

Optimistic: For how long do they feel confident about their future with you? What would break their hopefulness?

The red-head thinks that you will crack one day if he continues to show you love, if his darling was to leave, commit suicide, or find a way to get him in jail he would lose all hope

Pessimistic: Do they ever become pessimistic after meeting you?

No, he's always happy if you give him the love he gives you

Quiet: Would they stay silent about the obsession?

Yes, no one else needs to know about what he wants or thinks

Resistant: How do they react to a resisting darling?

He won't take all that kindly, knocking you out and then waking you up and doting on you to make you want to stay

Spite: What brings them to become spiteful? How do they handle it?

He would try to keep up his act of only being loving and doting, but if he cracks your punishment will be put into action

Time: How much time do they spend with you?

Tea parties and study dates

Ubiquitous: How do they make sure they're always with you? How do you know they're there/near?

Riddle will kidnap you so that you have no choice but to be with him, you'll be able to know when he's near because he always knocks before entering "your" room

Virtue: What are some good qualities they still possess?

He still loves to talk to you about hedgehogs and will let you pet them

Worship: Do they worship you? To what extent?

Riddle will call you his Queen and other cute nicknames, showing that he loves you physically is hard for him so verbal is usually the way he chooses to go

Xanadu: What would be their perfect place to live with you?

Somewhere far away from his mother, where you (and him) will never have to worry about her, he wants to prove that he can be a better parent than her

Yummy: Do they let you eat what ever you like ?

He lets you eat all the food you want, but if you eat a little to many sweets he'll make you take a nap so you don't get a sugar rush

Zany: What is the most odd thing that you have seen them do?

You saw him kicking Floyd in the shin after Floyd hugged you, Floyd fell to the ground holding his leg