the new house

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Namjoon: this where you guys gonna be staying, I know it's not as big as you would've liked but-

Mrs Jeon: boy zip it! It's basically as big as the Buckingham palace! Why do you guys need this big ass house! Do all of you guys pay for it? You know the bills and all that?

Namjoon: heh, what bills? We don't pay the bills

Mrs Jeon: hunny that illegal how do you "not pay the bills"?

Namjoon: the government fears us so much that they pay for it basically, it free for us, our power, water, everything never gets turned off.

Mrs Jeon: still illegal and still wrong but okay, y'all like multi trillionares so ig it's fine.

Yoongi: guys I got some good news, Jimin is pregnant!

Mrs Jeon: omg! Jimin baby come to mommy!

Jimin: okay!

She hugs him tightly and kisses all over his face and gives him one last squeeze before letting go

Mrs Jeon: I'mma be a grandma twice! You boys are just to kind!

Tae: you know jungkook, I can make you a mommy as well~

Jungkook: nooo I'm still a baby, I'm only 20!

Tae: I'm young as well... I'm 22 thank you very much!

Jungkook: so? You aren't gonna have to bare a child for 9 months.

Tae: ooh getting sassy I see, someone may need a punishment~

Jungkook runs upstairs but Tae chases home and grabs his leg causing him to fall st the top of the stairs and Tae picks him up and takes him to the bed room where he threw him on the bed and hovered over him kissing him roughly and turns him over and slapped his ass

Jungkook: ow! Wtf

Tae: you don't like?~

Jungkook: maybe....

Tae smirked and slapped his ass one more time Jungkook kinda moaned at it and Tae smirked.

Mrs Jeon: ooh grand baby number three!

Jin: well I guess three grand kids, I hope it's a girl! I've always wanted a girl!

Namjoon: same, I want her to be as beautiful as you baby~

Jin: thanks love, but I want her to be as brave as you~

Jimin: I wanna have twin girls, they are gonna be so cute!

Yoongi: I hope they look like a mix of me and you

Jimin: what else will they look like?

Yoongi: you lucky you pregnant~

Jimin: it's only been two days we can do it, it's not even formed yet fully so it's fine~

Jin: what does this make us Namjoon? What are we?

Namjoon: your my boyfriend

Jin: uhmm okay! *kisses his lips and happily goes around the house*

Namjoon: how cute is he?

Mrs Jeon: I made some cute kids son

Namjoon: son?

Mrs Jeon: well you three are my sons now, you impregnated my kids might as well be, but if you leave my son I will kill you...

Namjoon: y-yes ma'am...

He has never been scared of someone his whole life like that, he hopes Jin didn't inherent her ability to threaten him. But he was wrong he did

the little one's (Namjin, Yoonmin, Taekook) Where stories live. Discover now