Jins Dream

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Jin was fast alseep and he was deaming.

(The dream will be in Jins pov not everything else)

I saw something in the distance and I went towards it. It was a picture of me and Namjoon. We both looked so happy. I looked at it and picked it up. I had a feeling I needed to keep walking forwards in this space of all white. Suddenly I heard a strange noise... It gave me a feeling of pain and agony... The room suddenly went dark and all I could see were bad things... Bad scenarios all around me like memories or just bad thoughts...

(Do you guys get the metaphor of white being innocence and everyrhing turning to black ans horrible feelings represents losing that innocence and feeling pain? No? Just me who's a poetry lover? Okay...)

I felt trapped here and I wanted to get out and escape but I couldn't... I couldn't move from where I was... I was stuck... In this horrible feeling I once remembered and felt all the time... I knew what it was... A painful feeling of depression and wanting to give up and end it all... In the distance I saw a figure and it was moving towards me and it was Namjoon. He looked at me and he held my chin up ans kissed me suddenly the room went brighter and he smiled at me. I felt a feeling of being warm and Namjoon picked me up ans laid me on a bed and was undressing me. I felt a feeling of tension and desire. I liked this feeling and I could sense Namjoon wanted it to... He had sex with me and took my hand through grey smoke and the place we were in.. Just me and him... It was as though I was in heaven. I felt free snd I saw a picture on a table of a ring. The one Namjoon has given me. I turned to the mirror and saw my outfit. A white cropped shirt and white shorts. My belly button was out and I went up to see a picture handing on the mirror and I looked at it and it was of Namjoon poking my belly button. I then looked in the mirror to see Namjoon and he hand went to the mirror pressing against it and I placed my hand where he was and he grabbed my hand suddenly ans I went through the mirror to a dark place... I felt a sense of death and murderous intentions... Maybe Mafia almost... I felt scared.

I suddenly heard my name being called

Namjoon: Jin? Jin? Baby? Wake up

Jin: huh?...

Namjoon: you okay?... You were talking on your sleep...

Jin: I was... But I wasn't talking in my dream...

Namjoon: oh you were dreaming... Well for a while I heard you moaning a little and I was confused

Jin: hmm well my dream was very poetic you wouldn't get it

Namjoon: wow you're saying in not smart huh?...

Jin: why do you seem so scary right now- ah!

Namjoon pins him to the bed

Namjoon: I'm not dumb Jin...

Jin: hmm... Never said you were... To be honest you look hot. I'd love to see me from your point of view~

Namjoon: aish...

Jin: hehe~

Jin wraps his arms around Namjoons neck and kisses him and to his neck

Namjoon: stop...

Jin: what did I do?...

Namjoon: it's just... We never really got to bond like that you know...

Jin: but we had our talks? I told you about my life?... Isn't that bonding?...

Namjoon: well baby... I didn't tell you about mine...

Jin: hmm... True. So tell me na...

Jin wraps his arms around his neck and sits on his lap and kisses his lips to get him more confident

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