truth or dare?

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The siblings all looked at each other. They spun the bottle and it landed on Jin.

Jimin: truth or dare!

Jin: umm dare!

Jimin: hehe~ I dare you to wear lingerie and take a picture of you wearing it and send it to Namjoon.

Jin: now?... We just started the game and I'm already gonna get wrecked!

Jimin: to bad so sad~

Jin did just that and Namjoon immediately came over.

Jin: ahh no!

Namjoon: sending pictures of yourself to me huh kitten?~

Jin: noo... That wasn't me...

Namjoon smirked and took him to their room.

Jimin: well he's getting wrecked~ well your turn~

Jungkook gulped.

Jimin: truth or dare?~

Jungkook: truth!

Jimin: is it true you begged Tae to have sex for an hour straight?~

Jungkook: who told you that- I mean noo...

Jimin: hehe~ I know everything~

Jungkook: well truth or dare?

Jimin: dare~

Jungkook: I dare you to put on your most sluttiest outfit and show it to Yoongi. You have to be locked in a room with him~ see how hard he wrecks you~

Jimin: heh, game on~

Jimin went up to his and Yoongi's room.

Jimin: hmm~ which one~

He saw a really cropped top and a mini skirt. He smirked. He wore it and he called Yoongi.

Jin: my love~ come here hubby~

Yoongi came upstairs and saw what he was wearing. He was shocked but smirked.

Yoongi: what did I do to get this special reward baby~

Jimin: existing for me to please~

Yoongi: ooh~ do you need a punishment for making daddy hard?~

Jimin: ooh~ maybe~

Yoongi started to roughly kiss him. The door was locked and Jimin was enjoying this. He kept kissing him. Then they had sex.

Jimin: ahh I loved it~

Yoongi: mhmm~ who told you to dress like a slut for daddy?~

Jimin: ooh Jungkook did. We were playing truth or dare. So both me and Jin hyung got wrecked.

Yoongi: oouh~ okay baby~

Jimin: that was my most slutty outfit. I thought I had more~

Yoongi: did you wear those out?...

Jimin: ooh no... They show my ass... Also too much of my curves. No one can see too much of my thighs! Well expect you. You have all the time anyways.

Yoongi: yup~

Jimin: yeah. I may dress like a slut. That doesn't mean I am one~ it's just for fun. Wearing revealing clothes, dressing how I want. It's fun

Yoongi: you like cross dressing?

Jimin: yeah actually, I do. I enjoy it a lot!

Yoongi: aww cute baby~

Jimin: hmm~ thanks dear~

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