new home?

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(That whole paranormal demonic ish that was happening will not continue unless you guys want ofc. It made less sense then a bts hater.)

Namjoon: the press won't find us here...

Jin: good. It was to much... I couldn't even bare all the attention...

Namjoon: well no one could.. All those comments and being famous could really impact you...

Jin: I feel like it was more infamously spreaded... I, well me amd my younger siblings got famous for the wrong reasons... I mean they must have been stalking us for a while and finally showed themselves...

Namjoon: yeah... I'm sorry...

Jin: ooh it's okay love its just scary you know...

Namjoon: yeah...

(With Taekook)

Tae: baby?

Jungkook: yes?

Tae: how are you feeling as of right now?

Jungkook: hmm fine...

Tae: good... I know all those horrible things said about you hurt you and I'm suprised you didn't slip...

Jungkook: yeah... Well I didn't want little Kook to be a burden on you especially with everything going on...

Tae: ooh baby little you isn't a burden... And will never be...

Jungkook: is it okay if I slip?...

Tae: of course baby~

Jungkook allows little Kook to come out and he does and he seems happy to see Tae.

Kookie: daddy! I mish ywo!

Tae: ooh I missed you to baby, how are you princess?

Kookie: I'm gwood!

Tae: good baby~

Kookie: how awe ywo?

Tae: good baby~ I'm good...

Kookie: ish daddy sad?

Tae: hmm no baby... I'm not...

Kookie: how can Kookie make ywo fwell bwetter?

Tae: giving me lots of kisses?

Kookie: otay!

Kookie kisses his lips and Tae just holds him. He missed his innocent Kookie who wasn't sad, who wasn't scared to express himself. He loved Jungkook but he always felt he was hiding something and he wasn't as upbeat as little Kookie.

Tae: I love you baby so much...

Kookie: can ywo twell big Kookie to let me out more?

Tae: okay baby... I will~

Kookie: otay daddy! I wove you!

Tae hugs him once more in inhaled his scent and kookie hugs him back and he can hear light sobs

Kookie: daddy?... Awe you otay?

Tae: y-yeah... I'm fine...

Kookie: don't cwy that make me cwy...

Tae: ooh sweetie don't cry...

Kookie : why ish you cwying?...

Tae: I just missed you baby... And I fear big Kookie is hiding something from me... Something important...

Kookie: he twell me to to told you but he ish sad...

Tae: why baby?

Kookie: bwad papa hurt him! He mwade him do bad thing with scawy guys! They touch Kookie!

the little one's (Namjin, Yoonmin, Taekook) Where stories live. Discover now