the step dad

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We all know Yoongi killed the step dad but the step dad knew someone was going to kill him, so he hired a hitman to spy on them and see what they are doing. He put a tracker in yoongi's pocket when he was killing him slowly and after he died the hitman went into action and followed him to the hotel they were still and stocked them but he grew a liking to Jimin and wanted him for himself. his liking for Jimin grew in s crazy obsession...

Jimin: ugh no one told me being pregnant will cause back issues.

Yoongi: I mean you are like 5 months in now, just another few months.

Jimin: ya! I'm not patient enough! Is your love for me dying already?! I knew it! You don't love me! You never have! Ooh find the humanity!

Yoongi: baby calm down I do love you... You are so beautiful and sweet. I love you more than anything baby...

Jimin: hmm okay...

(4 months later me lazy😪)

Jimin is finally giving birth! Jin did a few days ago. And jungkook is due in a week.

They went home after the birth cuz both Jimin and the baby was fine and after they went home.

Jimin was tired and Yoongi laid Jimin on his lap and rubbed his belly so he can relax and he fell asleep and Yoongi left the room to go down stairs and the hitman was in the room, he saw sleeping Jimin and smelled him and wanted to touch him but he didn't wanna sake but but he saw his cute little belly button and couldn't control and touched his belly and went up his shirt and touched him all over. Jimin started moving and thought it was Yoongi as his eyes were still closed

Jimin: baby? What are you doing? Hmm?~

The hitman was smirking being called baby by Jimin and got in top of him but covered his eyes so he can't see him

Jimin: Yoongi? What are you doing? Why are you covering my eyes?

The guy didn't answer and Jimin just said

Jimin: Yoongi? Why aren't you answering me?

The guy was just looking at Jimin and looking at his lips wanting to kiss him.

Jimin: baby? Why aren't you talking? Say your arms feel different and thinner... And... Wait this isn't Yoongi...

The guy was nervous and Jimin started shouting and the guy covered his mouth and pulled him under the bed and put something over his mouth and knocked him unconscious.

Yoongi: Jimin? Hello? Baby? Where are you?

The guy could see Yoongi from under the bed and he was nervous that he would see them and Yoongi set on the bed and saw something

Yoongi: a mask? What the fu- wait... The window is open... Huh.. Weird. And hand prints... Dirt in the floor leading to the bed... Wait...

Yoongi bent down to look under the bed and saw Jimin under there and no one else, the guy had escaped from there.

Yoongi: Jimin? What are you doing under there? Jimin?

Yoongi pulls him from under the bed and checks to see if he's okay and he is just unconscious.

Yoongi: who did this to you...

The guy was hiding in the closet and he was nervous. He didn't want Yoongi to see him. He was jealous of him though, holding Jimin like that.

Yoongi: who ever is in here I will shoot you if you dare touch him again, I'd advice you to leave at once or else...

The guy was to scared to move and he stayed in and didn't move a muscle. He was scared about everything and what was happening. Yoongi got off the bed and looked around the room when Yoongi was checking the bathroom the guy took this chance to leave and run out of there and was still the window but he wanted Jimin so bad he grabbed him and hopped out if the window with him in his arms.

Yoongi: Jimin?... Jimin?! That guy! He took him.

Yoongi looked out if the window and saw s guy running away with Jimin in his arms and ran after them and just hopped out if the window and ran after them and saw the guy in an abandoned building and he was on Jimin who was still unconscious and he was cuffing him to a pole and looked at Yoongi and smirked and held a gun to his belly and said he'd shoot him if he came any closer and Yoongi stood still and hid his gun as well and the guy looked at Jimin with nothing but lust and wanted him do bad but as soon as he turned back to Yoongi he heard a loud bang and he looked and saw a bullet go into his shoulder and he screamed in pain and Yoongi uncuffed Jimin and grabbed him running out of there and he made it back home and closed the window and closed the curtains and looked at Jimin who is gaining back consciousness

Chimmy: daddy? Where ish daddy?

Yoongi: ooh baby, daddy is right here okay? Do not worry, I'm right here, daddy loves you... It's okay baby~

Chimmy: Otay daddy! I wove you too!

Yoongi kisses his lips and smiles at his cuteness and sees him playing with the button on his shirt and seems to be smiling about or at something

Yoongi: what you smiling at baby?

Chimmy: I'm smiling at you daddy! You so pweety and sechy (sexy)

Yoongi: who taught you that word baby?

Chimmy: from Tae Tae Hyungie, he called kookie that once! Hehe!

Yoongi: baby, don't day that word again okay?

Chimmy: sechy! Sechy! Sechy! Sechy! *claps his hands*

Yoongi just sighs and pins him to the bed

Yoongi: baby... Stop saying that word...

Chimmy: sechy?

Yoongi smashed his lips and chimmy was shocked and was trying to keep up with the mouth movements and was trying to keep up with his movement if their positions, Yoongi was going in fast and chimmy liked it a lot.

(Next day)

Chimmy: daddy?

Yoongi: yes baby?

Chimmy: I'm bored.

Yoongi: well what do you wanna do?

Chimmy: I want play!

Yoongi: go play then baby.

Chimmy: I want play with Daddy!

Yoongi: okay baby, okay...

Chimmy: yay! *claps his hands*

Yoongi smiles at his happiness and hugs him.

Chimmy: daddy I want to play with dollies!

Yoongi: okay baby, okay

They played with the toys and of course chimmy loved it and Yoongi was just happy that he was happy.

Chimmy: daddy I hungwy...

Yoongi: okay, I'm pretty sure breakfast is done anyways.

Chimmy: okie!

They go down stairs and see that it is done and everyone was eating now.

Jungkook: Heyy, what were you too doing up stairs?

Yoongi: nothing, he just wanted to play.

Yoongi sat chimmy of his lap and started feeding him.

Tae: hmm, well okay.

Jin: okay, well me and Namjoon are going out and can you watch our daughter?

Tae: okay.

Jungkook: yeah might as well.

Jin: thank you guys.

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